port GmbH offers for ST-s MCU-s STM32F1xx / STM32F2xx and STM32F4xx complete CANopen support

port GmbH extends it-s CANopen offering in the area of 32 Bit ARM Cortex MCU-s by STMicro.
Port-s CANopen Library is based on the communication profile CiA 301 V4.2 by CiA e.V. ” CANopen Application Layer and Communication Profile” resp. EN50325-4 and and provodes the corresponding services. The Library is created in ANSI-C and can be used with any ANSI-C compliant compiler.
For addressing the different customer requirements, various versions of the CANopen Library are available.
The regular Slave Library provides the full set set of features for all functionalties the customer may want to integrate in the slave devide. For applications like e.g. small sensors or actuators the Small-Slave Library is available.
Netwokmanagement Master functionality as well as comfortable Node Guarding functionaly are provided by the Master/Slave Library, besides the full functionality of the Slave Library.
For the families STM32F1xx, STM32F2xx and STM32F4xx all library versions are available. The driver support Single-Lina and Multi-Line, which can be used in BASIC- or in FULL CAN MODE.
All drivers are supported by the CDT (CANopen Design Tool). The developer can use this tool to significantly reduce the development- and integration-effort.
For most STM32Fxx derivates CANopen Bootloader are avaiable.

port GmbH is one of the leading companies in the field of libraries, embedded IP cores, protocol stacks, drivers and tools for industrial communication (CANopen, PROFINET, EtherCAT, POWERLINK, EtherNet/IP). Product and system developers have been availing themselves of port GmbH know-how since 1990 in order to bring their products successfully on to the market. The OEM area of port GmbH develops complete devices and systems on customer orders, with an emphasis on remote I/O, industrial communication, security and sensor-actuator interfaces.

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