Neo4j Is the Graph Database of Choice for Network and Data Center Management Companies Worldwide

SAN MATEO, CA — (Marketwired) — 04/22/13 —

Junisphere, Zenoss and gen-E Tap Neo4j to Solve Connected Data Challenges

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, creators of , the world-s leading graph database, today announced of Neo4j by Network and Data Center Management companies, including Junisphere, Zenoss and gen-E. With Neo4j, these customers are experiencing major improvements in performance, agility and competitiveness as a result of choosing graph database technology allowing the physical network to be represented “as it is” in the database.

Neo4j is built to meet the extreme requirements of carrier grade applications. In fact, Neo4j is a perfect fit for any application that uses a network because it provides simple code that is faster to build and maintain (as compared to relational databases) and requires significantly less hardware. This technology is quickly becoming recognized as the intuitive choice as more companies begin to harness the power of the graph to solve their real-time data challenges.

is a Zurich-based IT solutions provider that brings a novel approach to infrastructure monitoring: starting with the end user, and mapping business processes and services to dependent infrastructure. This ensures that companies are able to proactively manage their critical business processes and IT services end-to-end, and monitor them in real-time. Junisphere chose Neo4j and Spring Data Neo4j as an embedded solution for their Business Service Management system. Neo4j proved to be the perfect choice due to its domain fit, its speed in handling real-time queries and its 1:1 modeling capabilities.

is a modern IT operations solution that delivers resource monitoring, service assurance and advanced analytics. Zenoss has been deployed in more than 35,000 organizations in over 180 countries. As organizations continue to embrace virtualization and cloud technologies to improve the economics and increase the agility of IT, ensuring reliable delivery of critical IT services has become increasingly complex. Zenoss- unique technology maintains the dependencies between IT services and the elements they rely on in real-time, enabling more precise root cause analysis and minimizing downtime. Neo4j is well suited to the challenge of maintaining complex dependencies and is used by Zenoss- Service Impact solution.

is an IT process automation (ITPA) software company that places human ingenuity at the forefront of workplace activity. The company-s award-winning Resolve software breaks down traditional organizational and process constraints through an innovative approach to automation. Powered by actionable and dynamic knowledge management capabilities, Resolve allows organizations to realize cost savings of as much as 200 percent within months of deployment. Resolve represents the only ITPA offering to tie collaborative operations — a discipline founded on integrated enterprise social, knowledge management and collaboration technologies — to its automation engine and platform. Neo4j lies at the heart of the process orchestration component of the solution.

From the social graph, to the mobile graph, to the master data graph, organizations are adopting graph databases to get more out of their existing data through understanding and leveraging it in new ways. has the largest partner and developer ecosystem among graph database vendors with tens of thousands of successful deployments, including over 25 of the Global 2000.

“Neo4j is a perfect fit for network and data center management companies because they require a database that is fast enough to handle an unlimited amount of ever-changing data, in real-time.”
–Emil Eifrem, CEO of Neo Technology

“One of the key benefits that Junisphere experiences with Spring Data Neo4j is that their business and enterprise consultants now speak the same language as the developers, and can model the domain with the database with one-to-one correspondence.”
–Jean-Pierre Bergamin, Senior Developer, Junisphere

Graphs are everywhere. From websites adding social capabilities to Telco-s providing personalized customer services to innovative bioinformatics research, organizations are adopting graph databases as the best way to model and query connected data. Neo Technology researchers have pioneered graph databases since 2000 and have been instrumental in bringing the power of the graph to numerous organizations worldwide, including 25 Global 2000 customers, such as Cisco, Accenture, Deutsche Telekom, and Telenor. Serving customers in production for over a decade, Neo4j is the world-s leading graph database with the largest ecosystem of partners and tens of thousands of successful deployments.

Neo Technology is a privately held company funded by Fidelity Growth Partners Europe, Sunstone Capital and Conor Venture Partners, and is headquartered in San Mateo, CA, with offices in Sweden, UK, Germany, and Malaysia. For more information, please visit

Julie Tangen
Kulesa Faul for Neo Technology
(831) 251 3450

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