Rottendorf Pharma GmbH expands its supply system for purified water at the Ennigerloh site

In collaboration with the company Gerhard Wellmann GmbH from Halle/Westphalia an additional loop for the supply of the site with purified water was successfully put into service. Dr. Jens Jürgens, Head of Production at Rottendorf Pharma GmbH: “The third loop expands the supply system to a pipeline length of approx 1.4 km and offers more than 40 tapping points. By putting the new loop into service we could lay the final cornerstone of the project -media supply- and thus successfully complete another key project.”
This expansion had already been considered during the planning phase of the purification, storage and distribution system which was newly built in 2008 so that the necessary hardware and software resources had already been available. Thanks to the modular setup of the system, the programmes and the documentation the new loop could be commissioned and qualified quickly and without any problems. In order to keep the production downtimes as short as possible the connection to the existing storage vessel was carried out within the scope of the annual maintenance. The qualification documents issued by Wellmann could easily be integrated into the change control procedure of Rottendorf Pharma GmbH so that the new tapping points could be released for use after a sampling phase of only three weeks.

Rottendorf Pharma is one of the leading pharmaceutical contract manufacturers for development, production and packaging of solid dosage forms in Europe. Besides the two sites in Germany the company is also represented by a subsidiary, Rottendorf Pharma S.A.S., in Valenciennes/France.
Rottendorf Pharma belongs to a nonprofit foundation and focuses not only on market success but also on social engagement.
For its 150 customers, among them a lot of the biggest Big Pharma companies, Rottendorf is an exclusive service provider who offers a maximum of production reliability and investment security in addition to modern production facilities and high potency technologies. Audited and approved by the internationally recognized FDA, the company is not only qualified for the European but also for the US market. Moreover, Rottendorf is optimally positioned for future challenges due to annual investments of several million Euros in the modernization and expansion of the facilities and technologies. In addition to contract manufacturing and contract packaging, the development of processes and formulations plays a decisive role in the future company strategy.

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