Pironet NDH receives German Data Centre Prize for energy saving measures

Increased computing power, decreased energy requirements – for this achievement Pironet NDH was awarded the German Data Centre Prize 2013. This award honours, among other things, the best measures for reducing the power consumption of an existing data centre. The German Data Centre Prize was awarded on 10 April at the start of the networking-platform future thinking 2013 in Frankfurt am Main.
The candidates had to present their case to a top-class jury which included representatives from research, industry and politics. In all, Pironet NDH implemented eleven individual measures in the period from 2009 to early 2013 to save a total of 3.5 million kilowatt hours of electricity. This corresponds roughly to the annual power consumption of 700 average four-person households.
As Pironet NDH operates the data centre for customers round the clock and 365 days per year, the cloud provider implemented all measures to reduce power consumption during ongoing operation. These measures included, among other things, that the cloud computing provider installed state-of-of-the-art air-conditioning equipment in its data centre in Hamburg which, for example, regulates its operation according to the thermal load. The systems for controlling the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) were also all replaced. But the biggest savings – around two million kilowatt hours – were made by virtualising the server environment. This measure reduced the power consumption of the servers by 90 per cent.
After the highest average power consumption for a twelve-month period to date was measured in November 2009, Pironet NDH has continuously managed to significantly reduce the power required despite the increasing computing capacity and new services. In 2010 the Senate Department in Hamburg had already presented Pironet NDH with the certificate “Environmental Partnership Hamburg” for the energy saving measures the company had taken and in recognition of its achievements.
“As the operator of a data centre it is our responsibility to run our IT infrastructure efficiently, not only in economic terms, but also in ecological terms,” explains Dr. Clemens Plieth, Managing Director Service Delivery and Managing Director at Pironet NDH Datacenter. “We are therefore extremely pleased that our efforts over recent years have now been rewarded with the German Data Centre Prize.”
From its data centre in Hamburg, the cloud provider supplies small to medium-sized companies in Germany with holistic IT services. The data centre has a redundant 10-Gbit/s backbone and is one of the few data centres of a medium-sized cloud computing provider which is also certified according to the international ISO 27001 standard, a de facto standard for IT security.

Pironet NDH is one of the leading German providers of cloud computing. Its focus ranges from providing corporate software over the internet right through to complete desktop solutions and business-critical applications from SAP and Microsoft.
The Business Cloud® from Pironet NDH enables companies to utilise all options for introducing and using state-of-the-art cloud computing solutions. Pironet NDH provides IT resources and standard business applications as turnkey cloud services with flexible costs (Software as a Service) from its highly-secure German data centres. In addition, Pironet NDH supports its customers in planning, integrating and operating local private cloud and IT solutions at their own corporate locations.
The Business Cloud® is based on a set of building blocks from tried and tested cloud technologies, service components and network and infrastructure services. On this basis Pironet NDH implements holistic and tailored customer solutions.
The service offering, the IT infrastructure and also the internal organisation are all certified according to strict, internationally recognised guidelines, including, among others, DIN ISO/IEC 27001.
For customers this certification ensures the operative excellence of Pironet NDH in all processes, as well as compliance with stringent standards with respect to both technical and security aspects.
Customers include numerous SMBs as well as international corporations. More information is available at: www.pironet-ndh.com.

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