atrexx Quality Management System Guarantees High Customer Satisfaction

Remagen, Germany, 24 August 2010 – atrexx, a specialist provider of telecommunications and broadcast solutions via satellite, has today announced the results of the external audit of its Quality Management System (QMS) according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008.

The Company had initially achieved certification of its QMS in 2008. This certification is vital for atrexx to deliver quantifiable and continuous quality of service as a supplier and service provider for international building corporations, governmental institutions, military units, NATO and UN forces, as well as aid organizations in Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.

At the recently held second supportive system evaluation, the audit team noted that atrexx- QMS continued to conform to the rules and regulations of the DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 standard and recommended the maintenance of the certificate.

With regard to the outcome of the customer satisfaction survey, Dipl.-Ing. Axel Laux, independent auditor with DQS stated: “atrexx identifies customer expectations and incorporates them directly into the Company’s performance development. Feedback from customers is processed promptly, and applicable steps are followed up to implementation. A high level of customer satisfaction is the result.”

Indeed, atrexx’ customer satisfaction survey, conducted online, revealed that 85% of atrexx’ customers have an excellent or good overall impression of the Company. The competence of atrexx’ staff was rated 88% excellent or good; the respective rating for friendliness in relation with customers hit 96%. Overall, in all of the five assessed criteria, results were very encouraging.

Alfred Hommes, atrexx quality management officer, emphasized: “We are delighted with the excellent result of the customer survey. This is an incentive for us to further increase the quality of our products and services. In the past 12 months we have evaluated our processes for effectiveness and efficiency and investigated potential causes of errors, using leading analytical methods. Furthermore, we have refined the criteria for the standardized assessment of our suppliers.”

Auditor Axel Laux commented on the identified strengths of the QMS: “atrexx has planned and developed processes that are vital for effective implementation of product and service requirements. Measurable objectives are defined and followed up. These objectives are put in place to ensure continued improvement of the management system’s effectiveness. Senior Management has demonstrated a personal and high commitment to maintaining a quality culture within the organization and ensuring that the standards set are communicated to employees. Internal audits and management reviews ensure the effectiveness of the system.”

Based on the audit report, Alfred Hommes explained the potential for developing the QMS over the next 12 months: “In order to facilitate the tracking of the implementation of documented measures to improve the existing QMS, established in regularly held internal quality audits, we will add deadlines to these measures. The newly introduced methods for error analysis, such as the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), will be merged into the appropriate method statement. All quality system procedures will be reviewed systematically and periodically to keep them up-to-date.”

*** An image showing the Quality Management Certificate by IQNet and DQS is available from ***

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