Value Investing – Now available to all investors:the Warren-Buffett-method.

Kassel, 11 April 2013 – PURE Rating is a German rating agency that evaluates all relevant
data of companies listed on the stock exchange in order to prepare analyses and financial market
letters based on these data. This takes place according to the value investing process and is how
thousands of companies, from the most important economic indices of the world, are evaluated.

The comprehensive and complex analysis according to the Warren-Buffett-method is available to
private investors for the first time. Up until now, only fund management companies have been able
to operate on such a sophisticated and high-cost scale.

The financial market letters called PURE Index classify the analyzed companies according to
quality and list those companies with the best results first. Subscribers are able to identify the
best companies at a glance and learn whether the share price currently trading on the market is
considered to be favorable and carries with it the potential for above average gains.

Additional analyses compare the P/E ratio (price / earnings ratio) of stock with the P/E ratio of
government bonds in the same market environment and then provide information as to whether
the these stocks are selling at a favorable price. A so-called Beta indicates the volatility (degree of
fluctuation) of the security in relationship to its environment.

A special custom-made chart analysis of a top selection of companies complements the excellent
fundamental evaluations of PURE Rating through the addition of technical analysis.

PURE Rating already introduced an iPhone and iPad App which will make value investing analysis
available on mobile devices. The company also offers seminars on the subjects value Investing
and chart analysis.

At this time four different e-mail financial market letters can be purchased for different subscription
periods (from test subscription to platinum subscription) in German or in English. The platinum
subscription contains up to ten analyses (financial market letters) per week including a risk

The financial market letter subscriptions are categorized according to common indices such as
PURE Index DAX, PURE Index DOW Jones, etc. or according to sectors and industries.

The financial market letters which summarize companies in sectors are categorized
and prepared according to the Thomson Reuters Business Classification procedure. Companies
which are located in the same industrial sector as defined by NAICS (North American Industry
Classification System) are categorized and summarized according to their industry affiliation.
Based on their classification a comparison and evaluation of the companies contained in each
industry is therefore more realistic.

PURE Rating currently offers more than 14 indices, more than 15 financial market letters classified
according to sector and more than 150 financial market letters categorized according to industry.

A total of more than 6300 companies categorized according to sector and industry can be found in the 14
indices and financial market letters.
In addition, investors can subscribe to technical literature on the subject of “Value Investing” in the
German and English language.

Manual evaluation on this scale is virtually impossible. Each analysis of a company carried out by
hand with the aid of a spreadsheet takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes. That would be 250 hours
or more than ten days for the S&P 500 with its 500 companies.

Please refer to our website for further details. Click here.

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