Smartphone-Boom causes headaches to Operators

According to leading Analysts, 325.6 M handsets and Smartphones have been sold in the second quarter of this year. This means an increase of nearly 14 percent as compared to the same time period in 2009. The number of Smartphones has experienced an increase of 50% – presumably leading to an increasing demand of bandwidth consumption. Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, solves this problem of bandwidth demanding service consumption and increasing costs on the network side with its market leading, real-time based solutions.
Generating revenues from NG Mobile Broadband services
Mobile operators around the globe have to be prepared to offer next generation mobile broadband services ? and making them profitable. At the moment, mobile data traffic is growing fast, but revenues are lagging behind the cost operators have in providing it. Common flat rate offerings and a highly competitive business field fostering those are causing operators additional pain.
From customer acquisition to customer centric services
In the long run, Smartphone will become the dominating device category in mature markets. As operators more than ever need to capitalize on the huge increase in usage of data services without further increasing the network cost, they will have to switch from a focus on customer acquisition to a focus on optimizing services and profitability. Orga Systems unifies policy management, active mediation and charging control on one single platform, helping operators to manage complex subscriber profiles and charging rules for all services across all networks for pre and postpaid subscribers. Real-time charging and policy management allow for the control of bandwidth-hungry applications, while at the same time generating additional revenues with new individualized service offerings.

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