Workshop for the Medical Device industry hosted by XClinical

XClinical GmbH, Munich, Germany – 12 August, 2010
The idea for the workshop arose from the recent experiences made by XClinical’s Business Development team. “We are getting an increasing number of enquiries from MedTech companies looking for an electronic data capture system to conduct clinical trials. Since the adoption of the latest EU guideline for medical device trials, more companies have to collect clinical data in order to verify their product’s safety and efficacy before and even after market approval,” explains Dr Philippe Verplancke, CEO of XClinical.

Continuing a successful workshop series

This is not XClinical’s first workshop. As a vendor of electronic data capture software, XClinical previously hosted workshops on end-to-end clinical data management (CDM) and CDM efficiency gains. These were not designed for a specific industry group, but for any participants from the field of clinical data management. Following up on the positive feedback it received, XClinical decided to continue hosting clinical trial workshops and to expand its offer to include more specialised topics for specific target groups.

Regulatory framework and field reports

The agenda for the workshop “Clinical Trials for Medical Devices 2010” includes a detailed presentation on the regulatory framework for conducting clinical trials in the medical device industry and field reports from a clinical trial expert at a medical device company and an expert from a CRO specialised in medical device trials. Participants will also hear about the advantages of using software tools based on CDISC data standards. Dr Verplancke adds: “Apart from the presentations by our business partners and industry speakers we’ve invited, the workshop will provide a platform for intensive exchange and discussions between participants and speakers. Clinical Trials for medical devices are – especially due to the most recent situation – gaining more and more importance. Now is the right time to talk about the special requirements for medical device trials.”

Location and registration

The workshop is taking place on September 15th in Munich, Germany and is free of charge. Please note that seats are limited.
For further information and registration, please contact XClinical’s Marketing Manager Katharina Lang (

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