lebrel networks’ DynaMo Proxy achieves data reduction of 48% by smart network optimization in Germany

The DynaMo Proxy developed by lebrel networks offers superb data reduction and download speed improvements for all mobile applications in netbooks and smart phones. In addition DynaMo increases the responsiveness of each application and sharpens the consumers´ experience and perception of network quality.
For mobile network operators lebrel networks offers excellent optimization solutions while lowering backhaul equipment spendings. The DynaMo Proxy enables mobile operators to control download rates based on network congestion, resulting in significant data reduction across all internet traffic, giving the operator the ability to be price competitive while maintaining margin.
With the massive amount of data generated by mobile broadband services and mobile internet devices such as Android Phones, Windows mobile Phones, Apple iPhones and USB modem sticks network optimization becomes a must to provide mobile subscribers with DSL experience on the go.

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