Virginia-s Bay Transit Uses RouteMatch-s Notification Module and Demand Response Technology to Reduce Passenger No-Shows by 45%

URBANNA, VA and ATLANTA, GA — (Marketwire) — 03/27/13 — Bay Transit, a demand response provider and RouteMatch Software, today announced that they have been applying technologies in order to reduce the number of passenger no-shows and save costs with the help of notification technology.

Bay Transit, a service of Bay Aging, is based in the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck area of Eastern Virginia, and covers a 3,000 square mile area, serving 12 counties and over 150,000 riders annually. Currently, the transit service performs approximately 13,000 trips per month, of 10 miles average per trip.

Over a recent five-month period, Bay Transit experienced a 45% decrease in their number of no-shows — from approximately 1,400 in the month of October 2012 to 775 in the month of February 2013.

During this timeframe, they began using RouteMatch-s Notification Module, an automated outbound messaging system, to inform and confirm riders of scheduled rides in advance and allow them to cancel trips if needed. This tool has helped Bay Transit effectively manage and save on costs, as passenger no-shows account for an estimated cost of up to $300,000 annually due to wasted fuel costs, idle time, empty vehicles, and not being able to accommodate other passengers. “Our goal with the notification module was to fill some of our empty seats and reduce no-shows,” says Ken Pollock, Transit Director, Bay Transit. “So far, we have been able to accomplish that. We are excited about the new notification technologies as it will bring more convenience to our riders and greater efficiencies to our operations.”

Prior to implementing the Notification Module, Bay Transit scheduled rides completely over the phone, with 24-hour advance notice. Dispatch operations occur out of three different office locations, with Bay Transit operating 50 vehicles, 40 of which are equipped with RouteMatch-s mobile data devices/tablet technology for automated vehicle location, allowing more efficient communications between drivers and dispatch.

With the use of RouteMatch-s enterprise demand-response technology, Bay Transit staff began to look at their reporting capabilities, specifically around no-show data. Because of the large service area they cover, a ride resulting in a no-show could take a driver potentially 10 to 20 miles out of their way — resulting in a significant loss of time and fuel. Data studies indicated no-show numbers as high as 3,000 per month.

Using ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) funds, Bay Aging-s Board of Directors decided to invest in implementing RouteMatch-s Notification Module and were up and running in early 2013, with the technology installed in all of their dispatching locations. Bay Transit is now embarking on a proactive customer education program to inform riders about how to use the new technology and how it would ultimately help them manage their trips and schedules. In addition, the organization is looking into policy adjustments that reflect the capabilities of RouteMatch.

“I think that the notification module has been effective so far, and will continue to be,” says Pollock. “We think that customer education, a strong no-show policy, and the RouteMatch technology, together make a comprehensive program work.”

“Bay Transit-s embrace of the Notification Module, combined with their outreach to customers about what to expect from the technology, is a strong example of how technology and proactive customer care can create long-lasting financial benefits to an agency-s bottom-line, as well as provide greater convenience and communications to customers,” says Tim Quinn, RouteMatch Executive Vice President. “We expect to see their no-shows continue to decrease as their customers become more accustomed to the tool, and we are happy to work with them to maximize their use of the technology.”

is the premier provider of programs and services for people of all ages. Formed in 1978, Bay Aging serves a predominately rural 2,600 square mile region that encompasses ten counties and two planning districts.

is a service of Bay Aging that provides transit service to the counties of Charles City, Essex, Gloucester, King and Queen, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland. Bay Transit provides on-demand service and offers limited fixed route service during the summer.

. is the leading provider of passenger transportation technology solutions. Founded in 2000, the company is headquartered in Atlanta, GA, and RouteMatch works with more than 600 transit agencies worldwide. Partnering with public and private sector passenger transportation providers, the company provides an end-to-end technology platform which addresses multiple operational, safety and ridership needs. RouteMatch-s technologies address routing, scheduling, dispatching, billing, reporting, , , business analytics, and fixed route integration, traveler information services, , and more. Additional information about RouteMatch-s ITS technologies is available at or by emailing .

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