Concurrent, Inc.-s Data Scientist to Present at Upcoming Big Data and Enterprise Tech Events

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — (Marketwire) — 03/26/13 — , the enterprise Big Data application platform company, today announced its director of Data Science, Paco Nathan, will present at two upcoming industry events, in San Francisco and in Austin, Texas. The talks will draw upon Nathan-s expert knowledge of Big Data and , and will include a keynote session at Data Day Texas.

Airbnb SF Tech Talk
“Cascading: Enterprise Data Workflows based on Functional Programming”
Wednesday, March 27, at 7 p.m. PDT
Airbnb Headquarters in San Francisco
To register and learn more about the talk, please visit:

Nathan-s talk will be additionally live streamed and archived at: . Sponsored by O-Reilly Media, the event will also feature a drawing for free copies of his recently published “Enterprise Data Workflow with Cascading” book.

Data Day Texas Keynote
“Big Data in Texas: Then, Now, and Ahead”
Saturday, March 30, at 9 a.m. CDT
AT&T Executive Education Conference Center, Austin
To register and learn more about the talk, please visit:

Data Day Texas Session
“Big Friendly Data Across Departments: Enterprise Data Workflows with Cascading”
Saturday, March 30, time TBD — please check the event agenda
AT&T Executive Education Conference Center, Austin
To register and learn more about the talk, please visit:

Nathan will be holding office hours in the afternoon. He will additionally participate in a “Birds-of-a-Feather” meeting on Cascalog, in conjunction with the and Meetup groups. For more details on all, please visit:

Paco Nathan is director of Data Science at Concurrent, Inc., where he leads the company-s developer outreach program. He holds a dual degree from Stanford in math/statistics and distributed computing, and has more than 25 years experience in the technology industry. Nathan is an expert in Hadoop, R, predictive analytics, machine learning and natural language processing. He has built and led several expert Data Science teams and is a frequent speaker at industry events.

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Concurrent, Inc. is the enterprise Big Data application platform company. Founded in 2008, Concurrent simplifies Big Data application development, deployment and management on Apache Hadoop. We are the company behind Cascading, the most widely used and deployed technology for building Big Data applications with more than 75,000 user downloads a month. Enterprises including Twitter, eBay, The Climate Corporation and Etsy all rely on Concurrent-s technology to drive their Big Data deployments. Concurrent is headquartered in San Francisco. Visit Concurrent online at .

Danielle Salvato-Earl
Kulesa Faul for Concurrent, Inc.
(650) 340 1982

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