Experience software-based knowledge, process and innovation management first hand

Pumacy Technologies, a leading provider of knowledge, process, and innovation management is opening the Pumacy Technologies Solution Center (PTSC) on 21 March 2013 in the Tiergarten locality of Berlin. In the new interactive showroom, experts from various industries as well as interested professionals can learn more about the functions and capabilities of software solutions that support them throughout the entire product lifecycle management process (PLM). Industry events, customer incentives and workshops allow visitors to learn more about and try software solutions for knowledge, process and innovation management offered by Pumacy and its partners, and in turn discover the potential for optimising their own work processes. Software demonstrations and special software training for new and existing customers are also planned. The Center will open in time to celebrate Pumacy”s 13-year anniversary.

“Direct dialogue with the user is very important for software solutions,” says Dr Toralf Kahlert, Chairman at Pumacy Technologies AG. “Because our software portfolio and the interest in solutions have grown significantly in recent years, the idea emerged to establish a point of contact for customers, partners, and prospective customers. The Pumacy Technologies Solution Center clearly presents knowledge, process and innovation management, demonstrating the relevant software solutions and even offering corresponding training on request. Prospective customers can test our technological solutions for themselves and will be amazed at what we can do.”
The Solution Center is also regarded as the new Pumacy showroom where visitors can familiarise themselves with the company and its customers: interesting exhibits about the seller as well as presentations about projects and products that have arisen using Pumacy solutions all underline the high-quality results that can be achieved with software-based knowledge, process, and innovation management.
Interested companies, for example, can learn how to instigate, conveniently control and significantly drive forward innovation processes using the open innovation platform “Induct”.

At PTSC, quality and product managers experience first-hand the benefits of the product lifecycle management platform ENOVIA V6. They are given a clear demonstration of how optimal and fully digital collaboration can be achieved using a web-based PLM interface. They can try out the three-dimensional product development for themselves under realistic circumstances and create a prototype of their product on-site with an advanced 3D printer.

Experts focused on knowledge management can discover, for example, the fields of application for Pumacy-s knowledge management platform KMmaster, which enables the development, acquisition, distribution, storage, application and evaluation of knowledge and ideas across the entire product lifecycle.
High-tech sectors in particular, such as medical engineering, automotive, aircraft construction and renewable energy, can benefit from high efficiency and cost savings by applying methods and software from Pumacy and their partners.
Interested companies can register for a visit to the Pumacy Technologies Solution Center for free by phoning the following phone number: +49 30 2216128-0.

More information about Pumacy and the Solution Center can be found at: http://www.pumacy.de/referenzen/solution_center.html.

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