Tools for Software QA and Testing: Extended call for papers

This year’s Software-QS-Tag is completely devoted to the current range of software QA and testing tools and it highlights their potential. Best practices – from evaluation and selection of suitable tools via appropriate implementation through to successful deployment in projects – are demonstrated.

Until May 13th abstracts for conference papers, tutorials and workshops can be submitted. Whether on the topics reviews and inspections, code analysis, continuous integration, test automation, test management, requirements and testing, test driven development, test data management or non-functional test: We are looking for industry based field reports on the selection, deployment and proven benefits of software QA and testing tools. Tool vendors who want to present a tool and its features from a technical perspective can submit their contributions for product presentations session.

As in previous years the two-day meeting is accompanied by an exhibition where manufacturers inform about their tools and services in the software quality assurance field. There is still a limited contingent of exhibition space available.

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