Moving away from unprofitable flat-rates

The model of flat-rate pricing has operators caught up in low revenues and rising costs. Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, provides a unique integration between network and IT for a subscriber management that meets customers? needs and wishes. This is the way to overcome unprofitable pricing models and, at the same time, boost customer satisfaction.
Subscriber management is the way out of unprofitable flat-rates
To move away from unprofitable flat-rate pricing, operators have to identify their customers and their habits: which customer uses which service and at what rate? They should also use all historical data available as a basis for future planning. In addition, they must take into account a new generation of subscribers, those who grew up with internet and mobile. This generation of subscribers interacts much more with devices than former generations. Therefore operators need to migrate all subscribers to one single platform where they can measure what these customers need. This way they can build a closer relationship to each customer with online real-time offerings based on the individual preferences of each subscriber.
Entering a partnership with content oriented services ? finally
Operators understand themselves as providers of a pipe that links their customers to the network. But operators are much more: they can partner with the companies at the other end of the pipe. Those companies, such as social networks or search engines, rely on the pipe that operators provide to bring their innovations to the customer. Those new applications and services drain the pipe and demand for high speed connections. Thus, a partnership could be mutually beneficial, just like a symbiosis between operators and content oriented services.

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