Guardtime and Estonian Center of Registers Adopt Keyless Signature Infrastructure for Authenticating Digital Records

TALLINN, ESTONIA and PALO ALTO, CA — (Marketwire) — 03/20/13 — Guardtime (), the leading provider of keyless signature technology for validating the authenticity of digital data, today announced it is working with the Estonian Center of Registers and Information Systems (RIK) to authenticate their digital records.

Financed by European Union Structural Funds, physical documents in the RIK archives of Succession Register and Chamber of Notaries are being digitized and stored in a digital archive.

The authenticity of the records in the digital archive is secured by Guardtime Keyless Signatures, ensuring the data integrity of both the digitized document and database record and matching the two.

Using Keyless Signature Infrastructure, the authenticity of all the records is periodically verified, the re-verification happens automatically, meaning that the information about the integrity of the stored records is always up to date and any breaches create an alert immediately.

“Our company-s roots are in Estonia, and we-re obviously happy to further contribute to securing the electronic data that Estonian State keeps on behalf of its citizens,” said Mike Gault, CEO of Guardtime. “Long-term electronic archives like Succession Registry have retention periods of multiple lifetimes and having Keyless Signatures to independently assure that the records have been safe and not tampered with by anybody over their entire lifetime is certainly an important feature to have.”

Eneli Tikerpuu, the RIK project manager added: “It-s fortunate to have a technology partner so close to home, who is also unique in the world at what it does — thanks to Guardtime we have an independently verifiable authenticity proof for our Succession Register records that lasts the entire lifetime of the records, and using Keyless Signatures was the fastest and the most affordable route to achieve this.”

Most recently, Guardtime announced a partnership with the Philippine government to validate physical document integrity, with CAT Telecom, the state-owned telecommunications incumbent in Thailand and with China Telecom, the largest fixed line telecommunications service provider in the People-s Republic of China, establishing China Telecom as a Keyless Signature service provider via its Tianyi 3G platform.

About Estonian Center of Registers and Information Systems (RIK)
The RIK is an agency in the jurisdiction of the Estonian Ministry of Justice, with the purpose of establishing an innovative environment providing good integrated e-services for a more efficient implementation of state administration, legal and criminal policy. The RIK develops and administrates registries and information systems for the State and its citizens, for example the e-Business Register, the e-Notary system, the e-Land Register, the information system of courts, the Probation Supervision Register, the Prisoners Register, the Punishment Register, the e-File, the electronic State Gazette, etc. Visit for more information about e-services by Estonian State.

Guardtime was founded with the goal of solving one of the biggest problems in computing: how to authenticate electronic data. Guardtime-s Keyless Signatures provide proof of signing time, signing entity and data integrity while the verification of the signature can be done offline without reliance on keys, secrets, or the existence of a trusted third party. Guardtime-s mission is to change the world to one in which Keyless Signatures are ubiquitous and a natural part of the everyday data lifecycle, whether on disk, in transit, or in the Cloud. Visit for more information about keyless data authentication.

Additional information:

Raul Vahisalu
CEO of Guardtime Estonia
+372 509 0385

Eneli Tikerpuu
Project Manager of Court Register Department
Centre of Registers and Information Systems
Tel: +372 680 3152
+372 566 73468

Press Contact:
Victor Cruz
Boston, MA

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