Rethink Robotics Named to MIT Technology Review-s 2013 50 Disruptive Companies

CAMBRIDGE, MA — (Marketwire) — 03/13/13 — Rethink Robotics has been identified in the field of Computing & Communication as one of 2013-s 50 Disruptive Companies, MIT Technology Review-s annual list of the world-s most innovative technology companies. The honorees are nominated by MIT Technology Review-s editors, who look for companies that have demonstrated original and valuable technology over the last year, are bringing that technology to market at significant scale, and are clearly influencing their competitors. Spanning energy and materials, Internet and digital media, computing and communications, biomedicine, and transportation, the companies on the list represent the disruptive innovations most likely to change our lives.

Jason Pontin, publisher and editor in chief of MIT Technology Review, states, “The pace at which technology changes is astounding. This issue celebrates organizations at the forefront, displaying -disruptive innovation- that will prove to surpass the competition, transform an industry, and change our lives.”

Baxter-s ability to apply common sense to its surroundings and work safely alongside humans, makes it unlike any other product on the market. Line workers with no technology education can train the robot to do a variety of simple tasks and factories can expand business without huge overhead. Baxter-s ease-of-use and affordability enables manufacturers of all sizes to seamlessly integrate automation into their environment.

“Baxter-s fully integrated design, ease of use, and cost efficiency is going to change the way the manufacturing industry sees robots,” said Scott Eckert, CEO of Rethink Robotics. “To be named alongside such successful firms in MIT Technology Review-s 50 Disruptive Companies is extraordinary validation for our team as they continue to create affordable industrial robots that can work safely alongside people.”

Rethink Robotics and the other honorees will be featured in the March/April edition of MIT Technology Review, available on newsstands worldwide March 5, and online at

Rethink Robotics, Inc. developed the world-s first robot with common sense to increase productivity and efficiency in manufacturing environments. Introducing robots into places that have never been automated before, Rethink-s Baxter robot is making manufacturers more efficient, their workers more productive and keeping jobs from migrating to low-cost regions. Based in the Innovation District of Boston, Massachusetts, the company is funded by Charles River Ventures, Highland Capital Partners, Sigma Partners, Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Bezos Expeditions, the personal investment company of Jeff Bezos. For more information about Rethink Robotics, please visit or follow us on Twitter @rethinkrobotics.

MIT Technology Review leads the global conversation about technologies that matter. An independent global media company owned by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the enterprise produces publications read by millions of business leaders, innovators, thought leaders, and early adopters around the globe, in six languages and on a variety of digital and print platforms. The company publishes MIT Technology Review magazine, the world-s most respected technology magazine (established 1899); daily news features, analysis, opinion, and video; and Business Reports, which explain how new technologies are transforming companies, disrupting markets, or creating entirely new industries. It also produces live events such as the annual EmTech MIT, international EmTech conferences, Summits, and Salons. The company-s entrepreneurial community organization, the MIT Enterprise Forum, hosts over 400 events a year around the world.

For Rethink Robotics
Dominic Weeks
SHIFT Communications
(617) 779-1818

For Technology Review
David W.M. Sweeney

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