Ritter Communications Selects SevOne to Manage the Network Performance of Its NOC

WILMINGTON, DE — (Marketwire) — 03/12/13 — , the leader in IT performance management, today announced that Ritter Communications, a provider of advanced telecommunications services and broadband technologies to businesses and residential customers in north Arkansas and west Tennessee, has implemented SevOne as the platform of choice for complete network monitoring and reporting of its Network Operations Center (NOC).

“The sheer power and flexibility of SevOne is incredible,” stated Matt Dalton, Platform Support Lead, Ritter Communications. “We can do anything we want with this platform, and in this industry you don-t get to say that too often. SevOne will allow us to continue to provide excellent customer service as Ritter continues to grow.”

Ritter Communications is a pioneer in the telecommunications industry with over 100 years in business. The company has grown its business through acquisitions and now serves over 40,000 customers. As a full service communications provider, the company needed an advanced network monitoring platform to keep up with its growth.

After downloading from sevone.com, Ritter-s NOC team was up and running and collecting and analyzing information within minutes. The company was able to immediately realize the flexibility of the SevOne solution, especially seeing the product do things that were not standard with other vendors it had evaluated.

SevOne-s is now the platform of choice for Ritter Communications and the SevOne solution now monitors all of its switches and routers on the corporate network, edge and core equipment, and all internal servers. As a service provider, the company is also using SevOne-s unique capabilities for multi-tenancy to be able to deliver information about the performance of the infrastructure and services it provides to clients.

“Industry leading telecommunications companies like Ritter use SevOne-s powerful IT performance management and reporting solution to scale quickly, provide visibility to end users, maintain service levels and manage bandwidth demands,” stated Bill Conners, SVP of Worldwide Sales and Business Development for SevOne. “We look forward to assisting Ritter as it continues to grow its business.”

Ritter Communications has grown from a local telephone company founded in Marked Tree, Arkansas in 1906 to a regional telecommunications provider serving 50 communities and over 40,000 customers in northeast and north central Arkansas as well as west Tennessee with a full suite of communications services.

Ritter invests heavily in the communities it serves by deploying proven, best in class infrastructure and technology while coupling it with a world class customer focused experience. Ritter-s investment in a state of the art network allows all customers, regardless of their location to enjoy advanced services typically found only in major metropolitan areas.

Headquartered today in Jonesboro, Arkansas, Ritter continues to expand its sphere of comprehensive services including high speed WAN, metro Ethernet, managed services, Internet access, cloud based applications and video. Additionally, Ritter has partnered to provide connectivity to national and regional broadband networks such as: , and , which provide a positive impact on the communities Ritter serves.

For more information, visit .

SevOne provides the world-s fastest, most scalable , delivered as -all-in-one- appliances, that help you detect and avoid performance events before they impact your business. SevOne invented a proprietary, next-generation distributed technology, called the , that combines the cutting edge principles behind peer-to-peer sharing and big data analytics to scale smoothly so that millions of network elements, across all , can be monitored and provide a single view to the user. Hundreds of customers, including the top cable companies, wireless network and managed service providers, and top financial services institutions rely on SevOne to run their businesses.

Tony Keller
The Walker Group

+1 (847) 421 1477

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