Startup Debut at SXSW(R) Lets Media Get Up Close and Personal With 20 Startups

AUSTIN, TX — (Marketwire) — 03/10/13 —

More than 20 new startups and success stories from around the world — including crowd-funding sensation Indiegogo and Austin startups Akimbo Card, QuestionMine and Tulum — will be exhibiting and demonstrating their products and services in a boutique, media-only environment. Meet and talk with C-level executives firsthand and enjoy food and drinks. In addition, famed Internet personality Sarah Austin will be hosting a Bubble Tank pitch session (invitation only).

Sunday, March 10, 6 to 9 p.m. Bubble Tank runs 4:30 to 6 p.m.

Fleming-s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar, 320 E. Second St., Austin, Tex. 78701, across the street from the Austin Convention Center.

Media can register at with password: “startupdebut13”.

Startup Debut also will showcase more than a dozen other companies. Indiegogo, one of the world-s largest crowd-funding platforms, will host a pavilion demoing its services and showcasing six companies whose product development was funded on the Indiegogo platform.

Among the companies on hand will be:

Akimbo Card, Austin (prepaid card system)

QuestionMine, Austin (interactive mobile video marketing platform)

Tulum, Austin (mobile app for visiting historic sites)

CHNL, Santa Monica, Calif. (single channel social content browser)

WeVideo, Palo Alto, Calif. (collaborative, real-time video-editing)

Whotune, Brisbane, Australia (Free online indie music community)

Interaxon Muse, Toronto (brain-sensing headband)

TrashAmps, Sunnyvale, Calif. (portable speakers made from soda cans)

Appgyver, Helsinki and San Francisco (rapid mobile app development)

Equilibrium, Sausalito, Calif. (simultaneous multi-screen video delivery)

Shindig, New York City (interactive video conferencing)

GonnaBe, Santa Monica, Calif. (social concierge mobile app)

Disclaimer: South by Southwest and SXSW are trademarks of SXSW, Inc. Startup Debut is not associated with SXSW.

Britteny Salvador

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