Hammond Manufacturing Company Limited Announces Financial Results for the Year and Fourth Quarter Ended December 31, 2012

GUELPH, ONTARIO — (Marketwire) — 03/07/13 — Hammond Manufacturing Company Limited (TSX: HMM.A) –

To all employees and shareholders:

Sales dropped 5% compared to the last quarter as our markets continue to soften. Overall results from operating activities have also declined. With continuous improvement through employee involvement we will lower costs and improve operational output.

Hammond Manufacturing Company Limited manufactures a broad range of products for the electronic and electrical products industry, including metallic and non-metallic enclosures, racks, small cases, outlet strips, surge suppressors and electronic transformers.

Hammond Manufacturing Company Limited
Robert F. Hammond
Chairman and CEO
(519) 822-2960
(519) 822-7289 (FAX)

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