serVonic adds IXI-PCS to its CTI-Portfolio – Cross-platform telephony solution for Windows- and Linux-environments

With the CTI-solution IXI-PCS, the users have typical telephony features like starting calls, consultation, redirect and caller identification at their disposal. E-mails informing about missed calls, a partner bar as well as the journal view round off the features at the workstation-PC. Due to the open architecture, the IXI-PCS Client can be installed as CTI-client in a multitude of environments – currently Microsoft Windows as well as the Linux-distributions OpenSuse und Ubuntu. The IXI-PCS Client for MAC OSX is in preparation. Simple features like e.g. search in the address book, easy dialing, journal view with the latest calls are provided by the IXI-PCS Web Dialer – independent of the operating system – in all the current web browsers. An installation in mixed environments is possible, too.

Besides the providing of pure telephony features, IXI-PCS closes the gap between conventional telephony and IP-based Unified Communications. By means of the integrated IXI-PCS Gateway (Remote Call Control), the connection of the SIP-based Microsoft Office Communications Server with conventional PBX’s and the appropriate telephones can be established. Computer telephony, caller journal, presence and chat that way are also available with a conventional PBX. Due to the gateway, the control is handled via the Microsoft Office Communicator Client, so that a company can use Microsoft OCS and serVonic CTI at a time or gradually migrate to new technologies.

Price and Availability
serVonic IXI-PCS is available at serVonic and sales partners for prices beginning at 390 (plus legal VAT, if applicable). Further information at

serVonic, headquartered in Olching near Munich, Germany, is a leading manufacturer of software solutions with focus on unified communication with unified messaging and CTI. The products of serVonic support existing standards like standard interfaces and standard hardware; proprietary solutions are avoided. The company strives to provide its customers with future-oriented product development, with a focus on integration in available environments. serVonic is partner of Dialogic, Funkwerk EC, IBM, innovaphone, Microsoft, Siemens, SAP and TE-Systems.

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