BREAKING CONSUMER NEWS: Reputation Changer Offers Tools for Clearing Embarrassing Images From Google

NEW YORK, NY — (Marketwire) — 03/07/13 — , ranked by TopSEOs as the #1 online reputation management company in the world, has long been known for its innovative and effective services in helping companies and individuals clear unwanted listings from their Google search results. Now, the company has announced a new service, one that the company says meets a very precise consumer need — specifically, the need to have embarrassing or unflattering images suppressed within the Google Image Search database. Reputation Changer has made its Image Suppression Action Plan available to corporate and individual clients alike.

According to the company-s President, Michael Zammuto, image suppression is something that more and more clients have begun inquiring about. “An image is powerful in conveying certain attitudes and preconceptions,” Zammuto says. “Just look at Jennifer Lawrence at the Oscars. She won the trophy for Best Actress, but the next morning the Web was plastered with photos of her tripping on her way to the stage. And that-s just one of many celebrity examples that come to mind; anything from a -wardrobe malfunction- to hacked cell phone photos can make their way into the public eye and do real reputational damage.”

Image suppression is not just applicable to celebrity clients, Zammuto notes. “Anyone who has a picture from the past, suddenly showing up on the Internet and causing damage, can benefit from the Image Suppression program. It might be a humiliating photo from your one wild night in college; it might be a mug shot or an arrest photo. Reputation Changer has clients who previously worked in the adult film industry, as well. Now, they-re soccer moms and devoted wives, but compromising photos from their younger days still show up in a Google Image Search.”

Many of the clients who come to Reputation Changer are companies, not individuals. “A bad Google Image Search portfolio can do serious damage to a company-s branding efforts,” Zammuto says. “Even an embarrassing photo of one key executive can cause shame and bad PR for the corporation.”

Zammuto says that there is no way to altogether erase or delete an unwanted image from Google, but Reputation Changer offers clients the next best thing — a chance to suppress it, ensuring that it is not one of the top, visible results in an online search. “At Reputation Changer, we have proprietary technology that we employ to repopulate Google Image Search with positive, brand-enhancing images,” he affirms. “The offending image is pushed out of the way — buried beneath all of the positive images, populated by Reputation Changer.”

Zammuto says that attending to these unflattering Google images is something individuals and companies ought attend to as promptly as possible. “Negative images are harmful in many ways, and one particular danger is that users will click on them and effectively make those images, and their corresponding pages, more prominent in the search algorithms,” he says. “In other words, negative images can actually have an adverse effect on a person or a brand-s Google search results and overall online reputation.”

The benefits of the Image Suppression plan, meanwhile, are numerous. According to Zammuto, clients can receive peace of mind, knowing that damaging images are made all but invisible to Google search users. “Individuals can keep embarrassing images outside the view of potential employers, business associates, colleges admissions counselors, their parents or their kids,” says Zammuto. “Companies, meanwhile, can exercise greater control over their visual branding.”

Reputation Changer-s Image Suppression plan is available to corporate and individual clients alike, and is peerless in the control it offers over Google Image Search results.


was founded in 2009 by a team of seasoned direct response marketing professional, united by their belief that companies and individuals deserve a say in how they are portrayed on the Internet. Now, the company is widely esteemed as the foremost reputation defense company in the world; in fact, TopSEOs rated it the #1 online reputation management company in the world. Reputation Changer-s team includes social media and SEO experts, Web developers and domestic journalists. The company-s client base, meanwhile, includes Fortune 500 brands and small companies; public figures and private citizens; doctors, dentists, lawyers, financial planners, celebrities, and beyond.

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