Real-time charging as a key enabler for profitable business

New mobile broadband devices are the corner stone for vast growth of mobile broadband usage. Operators will have to allow for huge volumes at very high speed and wireless access. In 2010, mobile broadband will surpass fixed broadband and in 2014 already, industry experts estimate 2bn mobile broadband users in 2014. Orga Systems,
#1 choice in real-time charging and billing, shows why real-time charging is essential for profitable business while demand on mobile broadband is increasing steadily.
Hugh data volumes at high speed
Current mobile broadband results clearly indicate that the volume consumed will rise enormously. The industry is coming from 0.09 Exabyte per month globally in 2009 and experiencing usage of 0.2 Exabyte per month globally in 2010. Industry associations? estimated usage in 2011 is already a monthly global usage of 0.6 Exabyte. This is likely to double in 2012 and again nearly triple from 2012 to 2014 (meaning 3.6 Exabyte usage per month globally in 2014). Allowing for this high volume data service at high speeds will lead to an explosion of cloud services. Europe has the leading infrastructure but must take care to enable ubiquitous access in real time in order to stay ahead of the field. Mobile broadband services will provide tremendous opportunities for flourishing business and job creation. These next-generation services will make sure that Europe is among the leaders for both the development and uptake of future mobile business. Real-time charging is a great opportunity for Europe to take the lead.
Advanced solutions for European telecoms market
At NGT Europe Summit 2010 Orga Systems, will show why real-time rating, charging and policy management are the key to solving the challenge of increasing data traffic alongside with shrinking revenues.

Orga Systems ? #1 choice for real-time charging and billing.
As the pioneer of GSM real-time billing, Orga Systems has gained highly qualified expertise in real-time charging and billing.
Orga Systems focuses on real-time based solutions for customer billing and administration in mobile telecommunication services. It sets important milestones for the industry regularly to further expanded its leading position.
Orga Systems? high-performance database, InCore is currently the fastest data technology worldwide with regards to access speed.
Mobile operators need future-proof billing systems which offer clear service and cost benefits. The fully convergent real-time billing platform OPSC Gold guarantees their profitable growth.

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