.CO Landrush: The race for .CO top domains is about to kick off

(REGENSBURG, Germany, June 18, 2010) – „Opportunities multiply as they are seized!“ What smart economic leaders obviously adopt from the Chinese strategist Sun Tzu works for the domain industry as well. The current launch of the new TLD .CO is such an opportunity. At the first public .CO auction the premium domain e.co realized the price of impressive 81,000 USD. Although the proceeds go to a charitable cause this result gives reason for hope to make good profit with .CO domains in the future.

The crucial phase for .CO domains starts with the Landrush period on June 21, 2010. Then interested parties worldwide can apply for attractive domains under .CO at one of the ten accredited .CO registrars.

With the Landrush phase, running from June 21 until July 13, 2010, the .CO launch reaches the step before last. During this period the .CO registry collects all Landrush applications through its ten accredited registrars and allocates the domains after the end of the Landrush phase. If there is more than one application for the same .CO domain the domain will be auctioned off.

InterNetX, as the only European registrar with an accreditation at the .CO registry .CO Internet S.A.S., gives applicants around the globe the opportunity to preregister domains under .CO. „The new TLD is extremely versatile. As a recognizable and credible abbreviation for „.COmmerce“, „.COmpany“ or „.COmmunity“ .CO works perfectly for online businesses as well as for social media websites“, says Hakan Ali, Director of Sales and Marketing at InterNetX. „.CO domains offer – thanks to the currently still broad range of available domain names – an excellent chance to build new, short and memorable Internet presences.“

The grand final of the .CO launch will be the so-called „General Availability“, starting on July 20, 2010. From that time on .CO domains will be allocated on a „first-come-first-served“ basis. Everyone who wants to save certain domain names under .CO for himself would be well advised to go after them right now and make use of the possibility to preregister .CO domains. There is a big interest in .CO and not only clever domain strategists will seize this opportunity and register promising domains under .CO.

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