North Dakota State Agency for Surplus Property Selects AssetWorks Surplus Management Software

BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA — (Marketwire) — 01/31/13 — AssetWorks Inc., a leading provider of software solutions to asset- and infrastructure-intensive businesses, today announced that through a competitive Request for Proposal process, the North Dakota State Agency for Surplus Property (NDSASP) has selected AssetWorks to provide a comprehensive solution.

Among the modules to be used by NDSASP are AssetWorks- Federal Surplus module which includes functionality for the and the Transfer Management module which automates the transfer of surplus property through online forms, e-mail notification, and approval routing.

The North Dakota State Agency for Surplus Property acquires and redistributes state and federal surplus property to state agencies, local governments, educational institutions and other eligible organizations. The division, which currently serves 100 state agencies, manages transaction requests for over 31,464 items. The anticipated go-live date for both state and federal surplus modules is June 1, 2013.

About AssetWorks Inc.

AssetWorks Inc. delivers industry-leading business solutions that help asset- and infrastructure-intensive organizations control capital and operating expenditures, reduce operational complexity, and manage regulatory and policy-driven risk. Leveraging a comprehensive portfolio of software and consulting solutions, we help organizations work more efficiently by improving access to shared asset data, promoting greater transparency across the organization, improving service delivery, maximizing asset availability and uptime and reducing total cost of ownership. Using the latest cloud and mobile computing technologies, our asset management solutions and domain expertise help organizations eliminate waste, redundancy, and inefficiency. For more information, visit: .

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Shaun Callahan
(412) 809-0660

Marketing Contact:
Lauren Galietti
(412) 307-4637

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