FALLS CHURCH, VA — (Marketwire) — 01/28/13 — Accredited Standards Committee X12 () announced today at its January Standing Meeting that it has launched a new Change Request Management System. This new website, , provides the ability for industry stakeholders to make suggestions for revision to be considered for incorporation into the next version of ASC X12-s Technical Reports Type 3 (TR3s).
“Since it has been over a year since the federal mandate of ASC X12 005010 TR3s, we expect and appreciate suggestions for the next version of the TR3s. With this new, easy to use online system, the requests and suggestions — such as reducing the variability of situational rules — can be electronically submitted and managed through our development processes,” said Margaret Weiker, ASC X12-s Insurance Subcommittee Chair.
ASC X12 published the federally mandated 005010 TR3s originally in 2006 and with the current development cycle required to accommodate an accredited open, consensus based standards development process, a stringent schedule must be maintained. As a result, the Insurance Subcommittee intends to accept new requests for revisions to be considered in the next version of the TR3s until June 6th, 2013.
ASC X12, chartered by the American National Standards Institute more than 30 years ago, develops and maintains EDI and CICA standards along with XML schemas which drive business processes globally. The diverse membership of ASC X12 includes technologists and business process experts, encompassing health care, insurance, transportation, finance, government, supply chain and other industries.
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