RoundPegg Executives to Share Culture Management Insight on Upcoming DriveThruHR Internet Radio Show

BOULDER, CO — (Marketwire) — 01/22/13 —

Dr. Natalie Baumgartner and Brent Daily, founders of , a culture management software platform that allows corporations to measure, manage and monitor their unique culture from the cloud.

Will be featured guests on , a top-rated daily internet radio show focusing on issues of concern to HR professionals.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. EST (12:00 p.m. CST / 11:00 a.m. MST / 10:00 PST)

The live webcast can be accessed at:

A company-s culture is more than just whether employees wear ties or tie-dye; culture is how work in a company gets done. Organizations that can recognize their unique culture, values and goals will be better positioned to align culture and generate out-sized profits by ensuring their workforce is pulling in the same direction.

During their appearance on the DriveThruHR radio show, RoundPegg founders, Dr. Natalie Baumgartner and Brent Daily, will challenge conventional thinking about what culture is, how to measure it and how to affect it. They will explain how 70 percent of culture initiatives fail primarily because, for decades, business executives have been thinking about culture in the wrong way.

Combining the latest in both management and organizational design research, as well as psychological practices, Baumgartner and Daily will detail the importance of identifying a company-s real core values (hint: Integrity doesn-t belong on the lobby wall), conflict values and sub-cultures. They will also address how companies that have defined their corporate cultures are aligning their workforces to improve engagement, enhance team building and inspire innovation.

In addition, listeners will gain an understanding of how they can measure culture in their own organizations and ensure they hire, develop and engage their employees in alignment with their unique culture.

HR professionals who wish to learn how to develop an engaged and productive workforce by understanding and aligning their company-s culture around desired values are encouraged to tune into DriveThruHR for this exciting and informative session.

RoundPegg is the future of culture management and allows companies to manage culture from the cloud.

Tackling the problems that hinder business performance, the socially centered web-apps from RoundPegg make it possible to measure, manage and monitor your company-s unique culture by pulling the levers to hire, develop and engage your employees in alignment with the culture.

Headquartered in Boulder, Colo., RoundPegg has earned the distinction of being named a Cool Vendor by Gartner and driven ROI through culture for every customer. For more information, please access .

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