Percona Wins 2013 DeveloperWeek Best of Tech Award

PLEASANTON, CA — (Marketwire) — 01/18/13 — , the company that makes MySQL faster and more reliable, today announced has been recognized as The Top Innovator in the SQL Technologies category of the . Award winners are determined by a combination of peer voting and a review from an independent panel of judges.

According to a 451 Research report titled, “,” Percona Server is one of the most deployed alternatives to MySQL. Percona Server offers hosting providers advanced features that speed up searches, increase security, and provide administrators with more control over their Percona Server environment. Offered free as an open source solution, Percona Server offers breakthrough performance, scalability, features, and instrumentation. Its self-tuning algorithms and support for extremely high-performance hardware make it the clear choice for companies that demand the utmost performance and reliability from their MySQL database server.

is the six-day incubator program and educational track for developers interested in taking a deep dive look at a programming language or vetting an application idea. DeveloperWeek combines a four-day general and advanced technical agenda set to have 200 speakers, 80 sessions and 1200+ participants. DeveloperWeek is brought to you by the creators of TechWeek, Data 2.0 Summit debuts in San Francisco February 27th.

“DeveloperWeek congratulates all the winners of the Best of Tech awards. Winning a Best of Tech Award at DeveloperWeek is recognition of the hard work and innovation companies inspire in the tech community.”

“We are extremely pleased to see Percona Server honored as a Top Innovator in the SQL Technologies category of the DeveloperWeek Best in Tech Awards. Using downloads as our measure of success, we are proud to say that Percona Server maintains extremely high levels of performance, cost-efficiency, and ease of maintenance.”

has made MySQL faster and more reliable for over 1,800 consulting and support customers worldwide since 2006. Percona provides enterprise-grade , , , and to companies such as Cisco Systems, Alcatel-Lucent, Groupon, and the BBC. Percona-s founders authored the definitive book from O-Reilly Press and the widely read . Percona also develops software for MySQL users, including and , the only open source, hot backup utility for the InnoDB storage engine. The popular draw attendees and acclaimed speakers from around the world. For more information, visit .

Percona® and XtraBackup® are registered trademarks of Percona LLC. All other registered and unregistered trademarks in this document are the sole property of their respective owners.

Terry Erisman
Percona LLC
(888) 401-3401 Ext. 555

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