Salesforce-s Content & Marketing Strategist Joins Nimble to Lead Social Business Education Initiative

SANTA MONICA, CA — (Marketwire) — 01/14/13 — , the world-s leading social relationship manager, today announced that Alyson Stone has joined the Nimble team as content and product marketing strategist. Formerly in the same role for Salesforce-s, Stone will lead the expansion of Nimble-s social business content education strategy.

Stone brings over 20 years of experience with both startups and large companies to her role at Nimble, including two years managing content for Salesforce-s, previously known as Assistly. While there, she developed product marketing process, established the company-s social media presence and served as editor for their service-focused blog. is a recent acquisition for Salesforce that renamed Assistly to Alyson was the number two marketing hire at Assistly and helped scale Assistly-s SMB SaaS social help desk brand.

“Business professionals around the world are searching for ways to deal with how social media is changing the way prospects and customers engage with the companies they buy from,” said Jon Ferrara, CEO, Nimble. “We have brought Alyson on board to help Nimble become a leading voice of social selling education and inspiration for emerging social businesses, and we are excited to have her lead our new initiative. With her editorial, social and digital background at market leading SMB SaaS companies like, Alyson will be an incredible asset to Nimble-s marketing team.”

In her new role, Stone will bring her expertise to further develop Nimble-s social business content strategy and strengthen community relationships. “Businesses need help understanding and managing the new social customer lifecycle of attracting and retaining customers in a social business world,” said Stone. “That means they need expertise in social marketing, social selling, customer engagement, social customer service and collaboration. Our mission is to create a forum focused on this idea of -social business- and share knowledge by key social business thought leaders, as well as Nimble-generated content.”

To help business professionals find value in currently available social business tools and strategies, Nimble is forming an advisory board of leading social business experts to direct strategy, contribute content and generate meaningful conversations within the business community. The board will enlist analysts, editors, authors, bloggers, speakers, coaches and other social business thought leaders in all of the core areas Nimble touches, including marketing, sales, customer service, CRM, collaboration and social media. Nimble will use contributors to ensure a dynamic and rich forum.

“I-ve been very impressed with what Jon and the Nimble team have accomplished in a short amount of time,” said Brent Leary, partner at , a recognized thought leader in small- and mid-sized social business topics. “Building meaningful relationships with today-s technologically empowered customers is a major challenge facing SMBs today, and Nimble-s commitment to provide small businesses with tools to help meet this challenge has been there since its beginning. Today this commitment is reinforced and extended by bringing Alyson on board to head Nimble-s efforts to educate and inspire SMBs to take a strategic approach to integrating social strategies into their businesses. Alyson not only brings a great deal of experience and expertise to this important role, but she also brings a passion for small business and a sincerity in her approach to helping them succeed. Having witnessed the successful results of her efforts while at, I can-t wait to see what she creates with Jon and the rest of the Nimble team.”

You can find a head shot and read more about Stone in her own words on our Nimble blog .

Nimble empowers social contact management by combining contacts with email and other popular social communication tools like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, HubSpot, HootSuite, MailChimp and Foursquare. Nimble helps businesses drive more revenue by achieving more efficient, effective and authentic engagement with prospects, partners and current customers.

Nimble is a social relationship management system for business teams and sales professionals to help them transform their social conversations and communities into opportunities. Nimble opens a whole new channel for companies to engage customers in a two-way dialogue, combining the power of traditional CRM, classic contact management and social media into its simple affordable web-based social selling solution.

In the past year, Nimble has won PC Magazine “,” DEMO-s “” recognition, Gartner-s “Cool Vendor” for Social Software and Collaboration, Red Herring Top 100 Global , and Paul Greenberg-s “,” published by ZDNet, for three consecutive years. In addition, Nimble was recently recognized in Entrepreneur-s annual “” and “.”

Located in Santa Monica, Nimble is in the heart of the Southern California tech community. For more information, please email or visit . Nimble can also be found on , , and .

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