ABAS Software AG holds annual shareholder meeting

Remarkable growth in sales revenue, sales figures and equity capital
The year 2008 has been successful again for the ABAS Software AG. Sales revenue, sales figures and the equity capital have been considerably increased in comparison to the previous year. A major part of the growth is based on the revenue of software license sales. In countries abroad, ABAS reported a growth of 32% compared to 2007.

The software company’s total sales revenue increased by 7% in 2008 to a total of EUR 10.853k. The result of operations amounts to EUR 1.088k.
ABAS consecutively states profit since the past 15 years. With the given results, the equity capital has been increased once again by 14% to EUR 4.560k. By now, the equity capital contribution to the total assets is 77%. Based on an excellent liquidity, ABAS is self-financed and financially independent. For the year 2008, the management board and the supervisory board have been ratified concordantly. The general meeting agreed on a dividend of 8% on ordinary shares and 12% on preference shares.

Long-term ERP solution
The ABAS Software AG is a global, reliable, long-term planning and long-term operating manufacturer of international business software and premium services for medium sized companies. The company‘s success is based on three essential pillars:

1. Developing and establishing a global network of software partners, which is currently active in 33 different countries.
2. Development of the global abas Business Software. ABAS provides products which are constantly evolving and based on technological standards that are globally accepted and defined. This provides the simplicity and flexibility needed, to adjust to customer specific needs without loosing the product‘s upgradability.
3. Independence, sustainability and economic stability, the ABAS Software AG is your global ERP partner of choice.

The ABAS Software AG is operating profit-oriented on the basis of high equity capital. With the focus on 2009 abas-CEO Werner Strub states, “The abas-Group created the foundation to meet the requirements of sustainable success. This is seen over the course of the actual year 2009, which has been struck by the global financial crisis. While many companies declined, ABAS was able to maintain the high sales figures on the previous year‘s level within the first four months of the actual year.”

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