The Avenger: Student Is Teacher-s Inspiration for Gaming Controller

MIAMI, FL — (Marketwire) — 01/10/13 — A teacher – student relationship is a special bond; a teacher may be the only adult that a child may feel comfortable enough to talk to when parents are not an option. When a student of David Kotkin, a high school art teacher, confided in him about their insecurities of their hand disability and their desire to play video games at the same level as their peers, Kotkin set out to come up with a solution to help the student. The end result was

While working on The Avenger, Kotkin wasn-t afraid to use regular items that you would see in a classroom, like Popsicle sticks, paper clips and rubber bands, to get the creative process going. Admittedly it was not a quick and easy progression according to Kotkin. After a lot of trial and error, he finally had a test model for his student, who suffers from . The disease affects the size of his hands and his skin. People who suffer from the have extremely delicate skin that can blister from the slightest touch.

After using The Avenger, the student saw a drastic change in his gaming. When he first starting gaming, he was depressed because he was unable to play comfortably and mostly, had to watch as his peers play with the PS3 gaming system. After receiving The Avenger, he began to win games against people without a disability and was able to do it without any difficulty. Before The Avenger, he had to hold the traditional controller with his chin because his hands could not reach around to hold the controller properly. Now, he can play with ease and pain free.

The controller add-on works by attaching it to a standard or controller. The Avenger is equipped with flexible arms that extend from the side and remaps the buttons to lie where your fingers rest naturally. Its arms are customizable to maximize personal comfort and sensitivities. The back hair-triggers require only the slightest touch which increases reaction time without taking your hands off the controller. This revolutionary add-on is also used as a training mechanism for professional gamers and is legal for use in Major League Gaming because it is not electronic. It is an asset for gamers of any skill level.

The success of The Avenger is a huge accomplishment for Kotkin, and he-s proud of his invention and how it-s helped his student. “It-s one of the best things I-ve done in my life,” said Kotkin. “It was a good feeling to help him.”

The Avenger launched in November of 2010 by creator David Kotkin, a high school art teacher in Miami, Florida. The Avenger was created to provide a more personalized controller for everyone from beginner games to expert level gamers regardless of certain physical limitations that hamper gaming ability when using a traditional controller. The Avenger was developed with the ability to be better adapted to the player rather than the player having to adapt to the controller. The unique features provide hours of gaming ability for gamers of all levels and across most physical abilities. The Avenger… level the gaming field.

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Avenger Advantage, LLC.

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