IPTEGO announces IPTComm 2009 sponsorship

Berlin, July 6, 2009 – IPTEGO announces its sponsorship for IPTComm 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA July 7, 8. The focus of the IPTComm conference is to serve as a forum for experts to share their ideas, views, results and experiences in the field of IPbased telecommunication with a focus on security and services issues. Professionals and executives from both the data communications and the telecommunications industry, Government agencies and members of the business community will discuss topics such as “Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications” and “Services and Security for Next Generation Networks”. IPTEGO´s CEO Alexander Hoffmann explains: “We felt it important to sponsor IPTComm as
the IP telecommunication systems continues to be a rapidly changing field which will continue to grow in relevance as companies’ transition from legacy SS7 to IP based technology and networks. IPTEGO’s PALLADION will play an important role in this migration and transition. The PALLADION creates end to end visibility on a SIP or IMS based network, is able to detect fraudulent use and security breaches in real time and is able to proactively and automatically trigger devices and applications to “self heal” a network. IPTEGO’s products and technologies will continue to play an integral part in improving revenues, customer quality of experience and lowering of operational
expenses in SIP and IMS networks now and into the foreseeable future revenue assurance, we need to be well informed. IPTEGO aims for being a part of tomorrows

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