Bloomfire Named a Brandon Hall Gold Award Winner for Best Advance in Social Learning Technology

AUSTIN, TX — (Marketwire) — 12/27/12 — the company that is revolutionizing knowledge sharing in business, today announced that the company has been awarded the Gold Award for Best Advance in Social Learning Technology from Brandon Hall. The award announcement rounds out a strong for the company, including the closing of a $10M Series A round of funding and accelerated internal company growth, as well as the widespread adoption of Bloomfire among nearly 200 national companies and organizations.

“Bloomfire is excited to have been named a Gold Award winner by Brandon Hall in the Social Learning Technology category,” said Craig Malloy, CEO of Bloomfire. “With our technology, we strive to serve the modern workforce as a collective social being that thrives beyond communicating via email trails or the transfer of stagnant documents. It is an honor to be recognized by an organization of esteemed learning and development leaders that place a high precedent on the ability to gain and contribute knowledge to colleagues whenever and wherever the inspiration strikes.”

Located at the intersection of content management, social business, file sharing and learning management software, the Bloomfire platform facilitates the seamless peer-to-peer mentoring and capture of tribal knowledge among employees. Whether teams are onboarding new members, collaborating on company best practices or simply asking questions about a document, Bloomfire streamlines the channels of communication that directly lead to better cohesion as a company and better overall job performance as an individual.

“It is our honor to recognize this year-s award winners who exemplify the commitment to innovation and excellence that drives growth and over the top business results,” said Mike Cooke, CEO of Brandon Hall.

Brandon Hall Group is the preeminent research and analyst organization focused on developing research-driven solutions to drive organizational performance for emerging and large organizations. The 2012 Brandon Hall award entries were evaluated by a panel of veteran and independent senior industry experts, Brandon Hall Groups senior analysts and executive leadership, based upon the following criteria: fit the need, design of the program, functionality, innovation and overall measurable benefits.

Bloomfire and the full list of Brandon Hall Award winners can be found at:

Bloomfire is a knowledge sharing tool for the modern workforce, connecting people who have knowledge with those who need it so that your organization continuously improves. In a Bloomfire you find practical, informative content, right when you need it. Uncover tribal knowledge that was previously buried in email and hallway conversations. Create and contribute multimedia posts. Search and browse enduring content. Ask and answer important questions. Find and follow experts. To learn more, visit:

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Olivia Hine
Bhava Communications for Bloomfire


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