AIIM Names 2013 Board of Directors

SILVER SPRING, MD — (Marketwire) — 12/19/12 — , the global community of information professionals, announced today the AIIM 2013 Board of Directors. John Newton, co-founder and CTO, Alfresco began his term as board chair in October 2012, and the term runs through December 31, 2013. Timothy Elmore of Bank-Fund Staff Federal Credit Union, formerly the board treasurer, has been elected the vice chair and John Chickering of Fidelity Investments is immediate past chair. Paul Engel of VeBridge is the newly-elected treasurer and Martyn Christian of Kofax continues to serve as the executive committee member at large.

Six new board members were elected by the membership to serve 3-year terms: Daniel Antion, American Nuclear Insurers; Robin Daniels, Box; Nishan DeSilva, Microsoft; and Christian Finn, Oracle. Ali Moinuddin from Workshare was elected Chair of the European Executive Leadership Council and Lalith Subramanian from EMC was elected chair of the corresponding Americas Council.

Continuing members of the board are Ken Bisconti, IBM Corp.; Michael Croal, Cornerstone Advisors, Inc.; JB Holston, Newsgator Technologies; Anthony Peleska, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency; Lubor Ptacek, Open Text; Nicole Smith, Hill International, chair, PAC; and Tom Talamantez, DSSI, An Act-1 Company.

“We look forward to the strong leadership of our board during this pivotal phase in our growth, as the information professional community continues to experience a significant impact of technology change,” said AIIM President John Mancini. “In 2013, our goal is to help organizations seize opportunities and address challenges that result from the controlled collision between passive content management and the new era of engagement.”

The AIIM board is the governing body of the association, establishing strategic direction and setting its policies. Members of the board, who represent a cross-section of the community, volunteer for the positions. For more information, please visit: .

has been an advocate and supporter of information professionals for nearly 70 years. The association-s mission is to ensure that information professionals understand the current and future challenges of managing information assets in an era of social, mobile, cloud and big data. Founded in 1943, AIIM builds on a strong heritage of research and member service. Today, AIIM is a global, non-profit organization that provides independent research, education and certification programs to information professionals. AIIM represents the entire information management community, with programs and content for practitioners, technology suppliers, integrators and consultants.

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