Karlsruhe, 07/02/2009. USI has turned over a new leaf of event software technology with the presentation of v20 at its European User Conference 2009 in Karlsruhe. Attendees responded enthusiastically to the new browser-based version 20 which will be released in the autumn. This will be the first event management software on the market that is completely based on browser technology and that covers all functionalities of the events industry. The benefits of the new version – increased productivity of up to 25%, better usability, optimized data exchange with clients as well as partners and a cost reduction of up to 50% – could be looked into at the “Test Track,” where customers had the opportunity to test the new software within real time conditions and discuss questions with other interested users as well as USI consultants. “The conversations and results of the conference show us that with v20 we have exactly hit the market’s requirements. Usability and increased productivity are – especially in times of economic reorientation – two key success factors in the events industry,” explains Thorsten Kolbinger, General Manager USI EMEA.
In addition to the latest Ungerboeck development, v20, attendees were particularly interested in functional enhancements to the current 18.10 software version including increased reporting, which provides more extensive information for management decisions, and EZWriter Page Builder, a feature that makes the creation of EBMS-driven web pages even easier.
Customer presentations in which users share workflows and software experiences have become a main part of the conference as well. The enthusiastic exchange of information, best practices, customer-specific solutions and ideas for improvement contribute to future software versions and to the effectiveness of USI services – and therefore offer customers an added value. Thorsten Kolbinger adds: “The yearly User Conference is the ideal networking platform for our customers to learn about the latest software enhancements and to exchange experiences in order to reach an ideal potential usage of the software.”
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