basICColor & K-Flow Present First Product for High-End Proofing without Paper: »SMARtt – The Softproofware«

K-Flow and basICColor, two leading providers of color management solutions for the
graphic arts industry, present their first mutual soft proof solution for the graphic arts
industry: »SMARtt – The Softproofware«.

SMARtt is a new software solution for color-binding visualization of print data on TFT
monitors. The world´s first stand-alone softproofware combines the demands of a high-end
digital proofs with the capabilities of todays modern TFT monitors. The product designed
on the basis of the collaboration of basICColor and K-Flow meets all requirements in
compliance with FograCert Softproof certifications.

SMARtt – the new way to proof
The SMARtt softproofware offers the user a powerful
application to hardware-calibrate suitable TFT monitors, accurately visualize and validate
print data from within the same application. SMARtt combines the key requirements
calibration, validation, visualization and communication in an easy to use software
package. No other programs such as browsers or viewing plug-ins are required. SMARtt
provides visually and measurably highest quality of color accuracy equal to a digital proof,
while achieving an even better match of print data to print output especially in the area of
spot colors. When compared to a conventional digital proof, SMARtt can easily and
effectively show separations and overprint behaviour of individual colors. SMARtt also
enables the visualization and immediate comparison of different output profiles and
rendering intents.Important meta data such as fonts, PDF version information and
calibration parameters can be displayed alongside every proof. An optional preflight
module controls PDF files on data integrity and content. With these features alone, SMARtt
softproofware already offers a real benefit when compared to a printed proof.

Significant cost reduction
SMARtt can be implemented anywhere in the workflow and
provide significant savings on consumables and transport costs. Many of todays
conventionally produced proofs are used solely for internal purposes. Costs for these
proofs can usually not be forwarded to the end customer. By employing SMARtt in the
workflow, many superfluous paper proofs can be saved. SMARtt always provides reliable
information for binding decisions, wherever color and content of a print job is of a crucial
concern. From the use on-location for photographers, to agents and prepress departments
right up to the print room, SMARtt distributes proofs digitally and therefore produces
measurable cost reductions for packaging and transport. With SMARtt softproofware,
green-IT becomes reality, since no proof needs to be sent by post or courier between
companies and clients. Only a few software applications on the market today offer a
comparable, ecologically and economically convincing concept.

Plug and Proof – SMARtt Softproof SMARtt enables a very simple and easy calibration of a
softproof system. The user can select between predefined presets, which can be
individually adapted to the specific requirements of a customer´s production workflow.

The intuitive user interface of SMARtt guides the user through the program, without the
need for intensive training. Automated wizards ensure a seamless operation of calibration
and validations procedures and enable a quick set-up and control of the system. Even
inexperienced users will quickly and easily be able to produce color and content accurate
results and validations. SMARtt can be employed in RGB workflows for photographers as
well as in production workflows with ISO12647-conforming printing conditions or house
standards. By choosing a workflow preset, all calibration and validation parameters are set.
Of course, individual presets can also be generated and saved.

Although SMARtt is conceived as a stand-alone application, it is equipped
with all tools necessary to enable communication between all process partners quickly,
flexibly and cost neutral. SMARtt will generate a container with all softproof relevant data
(SMARtt.ticket) and allow for

the distribution and automatic import of these tickets at distant SMARttstations. It makes
no difference, where a particular SMARttinstallation is located -with the use of modern
network protocols all information such as validation results, profiles, comments and
approvals can be exchanged quickly and secure between connected partners. The
integrity of data is at all times preserved through the use of encryption technology. Thus it
is ensured that all partners view a print file under the same conditions. By being able to
include, for example, the end customer at an early stage in the design or production
process can lead to a significant communication improvement, cost savings and reduction
of errors. SMARtt does not employ a central server-based system for data management,
but leaves all data totally under your control. Your important and confidential files are
never hosted on external or third-party systems and will not be able to be viewed or
accessed by undesired or unqualified third parties. SMARtt does not require capital
intensive investment and installation of workflow server systems or demands a minimum of
client licenses to be purchased. Every customer can install and use just as many SMARtt
stations as necessary. Whether a single or a hundred workstations, whether at a publisher,
photographer or printer.

Validation and reporting
SMARtt validates your print data based on the actual printing
process and according to ISO standards. A digital version of the mediawedge V3 is
meassured and validated on the monitor. The quality of measurement and validation is
comparable to a printed proof. The results of every validation are recorded locally and can
be archived together with the print files. Even at a later stage, documents can be
displayed and reproduced with the exact same parameters as were valid at the time of
their initial validation. Using the exclusive archive format SMARtt.ticket, these files can also
be transmitted to another SMARtt workstation. The SMARtt.ticket is thus more than just a
replacement of the control sticker used on conventional digital proofs. SMARtt can also
upload any validation reports for calibration and softproofing directly to the world’s first
project-based online quality control and documentation system iQIP® from impaktmedien.
iQIP® supports validation data for print, proof, softproof, normlight and digital print. Other
online services are also supported by SMARtt.

Spot colors and screened data
SMARtt uses native Adobe PDF technoloy to vidualize print
data without error. To achieve the highest precision when displaying and comparing print
data to a printed product, SMARtt only uses the original PDF artwork files also used for
subsequent RIP output. No low-res files such as JPG, Flash or other formats are
generated or used. Thus, misinterpretation of the data contained in the files both in terms
of content and color representation are avoided. SMARtt does not alter the PDF files. No
information is written into the clients file or extracted from it. Thus, SMARtt ensures that
previously certified PDF files will be displayed without error and can also be passed on to
subsequent workflow processes without compromizing data integrity. In contrast to a
conventional digital proof, even spot colors can be displayed with a better accuracy when
compared to the printed color. SMARtt utilizes modern interpretation methods to match the
color appearance of spots on high-end wide-gamut monitors as precisely as possible to
their real appearance. With the optional spot color module, SMARtt can be
extended with an easy to use database for the storage of spot colors and their gamut
values (Lab). Once a spot color database has been generated, it can easily be exchanged
and synchronized between multiple SMARtt installations. This way it is ensured, that every
SMARtt workstation can use the same color values when visualizing spot colors. The
optional TIFF-G4 descreening module SMARtt.screen can generate color-accurate
halftone composite files from the final 1Bit production data used for CTP or CTF. SMARtt is
therefore also ideally suited for the control of CTP files prior to their cost generating
exposure on a plate. The printer at the machine benefits by using SMARtt to make sure
that every pixel visualized is also on the printing plate. A separate, high-performance
TruPage TIFF-G4 server can also be employed to enable a fully automatic selection and
display of complete job files – resulting in significant cost and time savings especially for
complex newspaper and magazine production.

For the first time, every page of a catalogue or newspaper can be made available and
visualised with the highest color accuracy in seconds. To save time in the contraints of
modern newspaper production, you can now do without generating paper proofs
alltogether. SMARtt has been specifically designed with the requirements and needs of
printers in mind and delivers an ideal tool for checking and comparing print-outs directly at
the print control station.

Modular Design: The SMARtt-Modules
SMARtt modules are designed with with specific functions for different sofproof
requirements for photographers, agencies, publishers and printers. All modules can be
easily installed and activated at any time. The following modules are currently – Enables connection to TruPage workflow systems made by
b.comp. Delivers seamless integration with existing TruPage installations.SMARtt.raw –
Import and display of RAW data from almost any professional digital camera. Allows for the
simultaneous display of image data in a RGB colorspace and selectable production
profiles.SMARtt.lounge – Connection to the online PDF preflight-workflow prepressLOUNGE
made by K-Flow for the administration, check and correction of PDF files to PDF-X
standards.SMARtt.switch – Connection to Switch workflow systems made by
Enfocus.SMARtt.connect – Enables the use of any FTP- or WebDAV-server for distributing
and archiving job files and reports.SMARtt.iqip -Enables communication with the project-
based online quality control and documentation system iQIP® made by impakt- – Sturdy industrial-grade monitor casing with a reflection-free glass
front and active cooling. is ideally suited for implementation at printing
machines and industrial applications. With the the valuable monitor hardware
is protected against external influences such as dust and solvents. The lifetime of the
monitor is prolonged.

SMARtt is a pure software application. To build a complete softproof system according to
the Fogra standard, suitable monitors, normlight and measuring instruments are required.
With suitable hardware a total system can be configured that will meet and exceed the
stringent standards set by the FograCert Softproof System. Currently, the following
hardware is supported by SMARtt: Monitors (hardware calibration): hardware calibrateable
models from Eizo, NEC & Quato .Monitors (software calibration only): all other, currently
available LCD and CRT monitors.Colorimeter: Equipment from basICColor and X-
Rite.Spectralphotometer: Equipment from X-Rite.Display Color Analyzer: Konica Minolta
Display Color Analyzer CA-210.Norm light: Equipment from Just Normlicht (also with USB

Supported operating systems and hardware
SMARtt is available for both Microsoft and Apple operating systems. Currently, SMARtt
supports the following OS releases: Microsoft: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2,
Windows 7, Apple: Mac OS 10.4.11, Mac OS 10.5.8, Mac OS 10.6.2

About »basICColor«
»basICColor« is a leading manufacturer of colormanagement solutions for the graphic arts
industry. They belong to the few companies capable of ensuring high quality through
hardware calibration and validation of monitors. »basICColor« is considered market leader
in this segment of the graphic arts industry.

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