Zeroline Golf Launches Golf MTRx(TM) iPhone App

SAN DIEGO, CA — (Marketwire) — 12/05/12 — Golf MTRx, an innovative new mobile app that uses the integrated iPhone® and iPod touch® sensors to measure pelvis movement during a golf swing and then provide detailed analysis and recommendations for improvement, is now available on the Apple App Store(SM).

Developed by Zeroline Golf, Golf MTRx measures pelvis motion — including backswing, impact, and finish turn angles — tempo, rotational speed, acceleration and deceleration. The data are then analyzed using kinematic link science and compared to tour averages to produce an efficiency score, which represents how effectively a golfer-s pelvis accelerates, decelerates, and is positioned at peak speed to ensure the pelvis is stabilizing properly. The app identifies swing elements that need improvement and prescribes drills customized for the user.

While many products are marketed as mobile golf swing analyzers, only Golf MTRx uses biomechanic analysis focused on the body-s core — the foundation of a powerful and efficient golf swing. The kinematic sequence describes the order in which the body moves, linking the pelvis to the club head. An efficient kinematic sequence begins with the pelvis, where power is generated, and transferred through the torso and arms to the club head, which creates maximum speed at impact.

Golf MTRx provides a platform for golf instructors to add kinetic link analysis to their lessons, improving student engagement. Students can email swing data to their instructor for review, and the instructor can create profiles for multiple students and track improvement in their swing efficiency.

With Golf MTRx, there are no additional products to buy — golfers can just secure their smart device inside their belt, and the app employs integrated sensors to gather data, explain its meaning and prescribe solutions.

“Golf MTRx is the first app that creates a feedback loop customized to an individual-s unique body movement during a golf swing,” said Tom Gibbings, Jr., CEO of Zeroline Golf.

For additional information, please visit , on Facebook and at Twitter.

Founded in 2011, Zeroline Golf, LLC is a mobile platform development company whose first product to market, Golf MTRx, collects precise and personalized biomechanic feedback during a golfer-s swing and provides drills to correct swing flaws.

Andrew Beyer
SpearHall Advertising & PR
(619) 683-3700

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