Modern globe manufacturer Globoccess offers high-resolution digital globes

The Globoccess AG from Hamburg is now presenting a new generation of digital globes with a diameter of 120cm-150cm, product name OmniGlobe®48 and OmniGlobe60 ®.

Thanks to a patented mirror technology and two integrated HD projectors each with 1980 x 1600 pixels, these globes transmit animations and real time images onto a specially laminated acrylic sphere which can be interactively operated by the public via separate touch screens or iPads. Topics from the climate change to real time movements of clouds or location surveys accompanied by video recordings are the most popular applications.

First models with a new design and technology were already supplied last month to museums and institutions in Europe and the USA. In Europe, the first new globe went to the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC).

“We are pleased that with this new OmniGlobe technology Globoccess has won the international tender issued by the European Commission for the best product,”says company founder and CEO Volkmar Heimann.

Customers of Globoccess are usually technically oriented museums, institutes and global companies that often wish to present their own contents with regard to worldwide connections and the results of research to their audiences with appropriate impact. Numerous animations about the earth have been created recently. Globoccess provides an overview of topics on its homepage.
Prices for digital globes by Globoccess start at around 40,000EUR.

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