InsideView Private Connection Cloud Integrates Employee Social Networks Into a Private Corporate Network

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — (Marketwire) — 12/03/12 — InsideView, the leader, today showcased the , a powerful extension to . InsideView Private Connections allow your employees to connect their personal networks into your corporate connection network, creating a much more powerful, but private asset that can be leveraged by all employees to penetrate accounts, win more business, and strengthen customer relationships. Unlike connections created on public social networks, which are visible to everyone including competitors, InsideView Private Connections are only available within your company and can only be leveraged using a permission-based process managed through the InsideView application.

“Personal contacts within Facebook, LinkedIn or Outlook are a very valuable source of information which can be used by sales and marketing professionals to get more referrals,” said Umberto Milletti, CEO of InsideView. “Our new Private Connection Cloud reveals a broader network of connections which remain private to the user and his or her organization. When used together, the Private Connection Cloud and our other sales intelligence features enable sales and marketing personnel to uncover more relationships to the right person, find meaningful conversation starters and engage via warm introductions. The result is better sales and happier customer engagements.”

Sales professionals have always used personal connections to improve results. This new capability further extends the value of , which are unique in the industry in their ability to integrate personal networks, customer relationships, executive team and board member connections into existing processes and systems, including all the . Research from The Journal of Consumer Research* revealed that sales calls are more than five times as likely to be returned when a personal connection exists between the caller and the sales person such as a common friend or professional connection. Additionally, people are more likely to make a purchase and feel good about the purchase if the relationship between themselves and their sales rep is substantial and reputable. Tapping into corporate connections can also strengthen existing customer relationships in order to drive .

, a valued InsideView customer, leverages the solution to connect sales executives with prospects to optimize their effectiveness. Michael Lodato, senior vice president of sales and marketing commented, “Before InsideView, we divided our sales team strictly by geography. Now, we are able to identify who has the richest set of contacts within a certain set of targets, and assign sales leads to the individual with the best connections. The result, since we started the program nearly a year ago, is increased sales and a stronger pipeline. Now, with the ability to upload personal connections from other databases, and link them to target companies, we expect to see our success rate grow even further.”

The InsideView Private Connection Cloud is a standard feature, available now to all PRO and TEAM users of InsideView at no additional cost. Access it today by within InsideView.

InsideView is the leading provider of sales intelligence solutions to organizations, helping sales professionals get in the door, and win once they-re in. InsideView provides the critical business insights, social connections and deep contact information to effectively engage and convert the most promising prospects. As part of its solution, InsideView provides training, service and success management to promote the most productive use of sales intelligence and track the ROI it generates. InsideView is seamlessly integrated with all major CRMs, including Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Sugar CRM, Oracle Fusion CRM and CRM On Demand, SAP CRM and SAP Sales on Demand,, and NetSuite. InsideView products are used by more than 200,000 sales and marketing professionals, and in over 1,000 market-leading companies including Adobe, BMC, Franklin Covey, Experian and Success Factors. InsideView was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. For more information, visit

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Kelli Tejada
+1 (415) 271-9820

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