Pumacy approved supplier for the BMWi’s innovation voucher scheme to support innovation management in small businesses

Berlin, 11 May 2010 – Pumacy Technologies AG is an approved supplier for the BMWi’s (Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology) innovation voucher scheme for small businesses in Germany. Small businesses with less than 50 employees or less than 10 million euros annual turnover will gain an assumption of cost associated with consultancy services for product and process innovation. Until the end of 2010 businesses with less than 100 employees or less than 20 million euros annual turnover can also access an innovation voucher.

German Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle presented the innovation voucher scheme on Friday last week. He said: “This programme aims to help businesses on their road to success to become ready for research and development projects such as the Central Innovation Programme SME.” The Economics Ministry invited the approved companies to attend the presentation of the new BMWi innovation support programme.

The BMWi innovation vouchers replace the former programme INNOVATION MANAGEMENT. With the new programme financial support is no more limited to businesses located in the New Länder and other selected regions in Germany. The innovation vouchers are designed to support small businesses on a national level. After an initial consultancy session, which is free of charge, businesses receive the innovation vouchers according to three performance levels. These levels range from idea and innovation strategy, through to a specific innovation project and product or service development. The financial support for consultancy services is 50 per cent over all three levels.

“Small Businesses can use the innovation vouchers to purchase expertise to help manage their innovation projects. The modular consultancy programme is based on three performance levels and helps avoid the financial and technological risk occurring during new product development“, said Dr. Tobias Müller-Prothmann, division manager innovation management at Pumacy.

In 2009 Pumacy was authorised by the Economics Ministry for the programme INNOVATION MANAGEMENT and is now approved supplier for the BMWi’s innovation voucher scheme. To learn more about the scope of services and financial support, interested businesses are invited to contact Pumacy Technologies AG directly. The initial consultancy session can also be asked for.

To apply for an innovation voucher, please visit http://www.pumacy.de/anwendungen/kmu_innovationsberatung.html.

BMWi Innovation Management Programme

The innovation voucher scheme (http://www.inno-beratung.de) is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. The programme supports small commercial businesses as well as handicraft businesses in Germany and promotes consultancy services for product and process innovation. The programme is not focused on any particular technology, product or industry. Suitably, qualified and capable companies such as Pumacy Technologies AG have been authorised to help small businesses turn ideas into new products and services.

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