Multapplied Networks, Inc. Launches the Next Generation of Internet Bonding Solution Enabling Internet Service Providers to Create Faster and More Reliable Network Connections

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA — (Marketwire) — 11/26/12 — Multapplied Networks, Inc. () announced today that it will immediately begin marketing its highly acclaimed internet bonding solution after four years of product development and market testing with end-user customers.

The company-s flagship product was developed jointly by two British Columbia firms – Rocket Networks () and Kerkhoff Technologies Inc. (). Originally developed for their own end-user customers, the companies quickly realized the tremendous potential of the product for ISPs around the world. “We learned that our bonding product represented a real competitive advantage in the brutally cutthroat ISP industry,” noted Johan Arnet, President of Multapplied. “In order to provide the highest possible level of service to ISPs, we determined the best path was to create a new company solely focused on this market.”

Over the last few years, Multapplied has worked with several global ISPs to optimize the product for worldwide use. Fusion Broadband (Australia) has had great success with the Multapplied bonding solution. Jason Maude, Managing Director at Fusion, was quoted, “Our customer base is growing exponentially, and we believe this is directly attributable to the tremendous reliability and performance we can provide our customers due to the Multapplied Networks Internet bonding solution.”

Further details on the launch, including product pricing, new features, and other innovative products are available by contacting Multapplied directly at 1-866-578-6957.

About Multapplied Networks, Inc.

Our name may be new, but the people, the homework, and the rigorous testing behind our product is not. Multapplied represents the combined efforts of our founding companies – Kerkhoff Technologies and Rocket Networks – who have been building, testing and selling their unique solution to worldwide customers for over 4 years. Our vision is to be a world leader in providing intelligent data network acceleration and reliability services. Our mission is to change the status quo and provide very intelligent internet optimization and redundancy solutions so that businesses can have a more trustworthy and rewarding relationship with the internet. Learn more at or email to .

Multapplied Networks, Inc.
778-945-1026 or 1-866-578-6957
778-945-1024 (FAX)

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