IXI-UMS ready for Microsoft Office 2010

Olching, 11th May 2010: On time for the release of Microsoft Office 2010, the new Client Tools of the unified messaging solution IXI-UMS are available. The IXI-UMS Client Tools expands IXI-UMS at the workstation by useful and comfortable features for the sending of the various UM-messages.

As client-/server-software, IXI-UMS from serVonic adds the features Fax, SMS, Voice and remote inquiry to already available messaging systems like Microsoft Exchange and IBM Lotus Domino. The software basically can be used by all the employees also without installation at the client-workstations.
The IXI-UMS Clients Tools offer an additional comfort: By means of the fax printer driver, faxes can be sent out of any application, e.g. PowerPoint or Word. Word-macros allow a comfortable sending of fax messages directly out of MS Word. The user here has the features Fax, Auto Fax and Mail Merge Fax at his disposal. Moreover, Outlook Add-Ins enhance the functionality of the messaging client. That way, the employee can address and send faxes and short messages (SMS) directly out of the Outlook Contacts as well as send received voice mails to the telephone in order to listen to them. A fax viewer rounds off the IXI-UMS Client Tools.

Prices and Availability
The IXI-UMS Client Tools are included in the price of the IXI-UMS software. IXI-UMS Unified Messaging Server is available at serVonic and sales partners for prices beginning at 990 (plus legal VAT, if applicable). IXI-UMS Kernel Version 5.83 is required.
Further information at http://www.servonic.com

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