Facebook Gaming Groups Battle for Prizes in the Latest World Series of Gifting

GIBRALTAR, GIBRALTAR — (Marketwire) — 11/09/12 — Editors note: There are two photos associated with this release.

for both players and teams for the latest World Series of Gifting, brought to Facebook by social gaming application, . The latest instalment of the popular gaming and gifting tournament begins on Wednesday the 14th of November, running until the end of the month.

WSOG: Team Edition taps into the vast number of social gaming groups that are active within Facebook, allowing players to work together and win prizes for their community. These Facebook groups vary in size from a few tens to many thousands of gamers, connecting people from all over the world with a common interest in gaming.

“The social gaming community extends far outside of the official channels usually associated with Facebook applications and we wanted to take this into consideration whilst designing the latest iteration of the WSOG contest. We work with a number of these groups to monitor customer satisfaction, crowd-source new ideas and effectively communicate to a wider audience of gamers, so directly involving them within the tournament is a great way to build upon our existing relationships,” said Lulu Jones, Trophy Slots Marketing Manager.

As the social gaming space has developed over the past few years, community competitions and tournaments have proved popular, encouraging increased engagement and interaction between players. These effects have proven to have a positive impact on ever important viral acquisition and monetization levels.

“With the rising cost of player acquisition in social gaming, it is important to drive monetization and make the most of viral marketing channels in order to keep costs down and increase revenue. Player engagement is one of the most important variables in regards to both of these aspects, with socially engaged players more likely to purchase or become brand advocates, promoting the product throughout the wider community,” added Jones.

Trophy Slots ran the of the contest in August this year, with thousands of Facebook gamers competing for the top prizes. This time, the contest features a range of teams, made up of a number of different gaming groups that have formed on the social network. Members of these groups can compete for their team by sending and collecting gifts in Trophy Slots over the course of the competition.

The World Series of Gifting: Team Edition runs from the 14th – 30th November 2012. Registration for participants is open now on the on Facebook.

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