Brands Still Need To Innovate To Capitalise On Facebook-s Engagement Growth, Says Punch

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — (Marketwire) — 11/01/12 — Facebook brand engagement has risen by 896% over the last year, but in order to capitalise on the opportunities the platform presents, brands must continue to be proactive in finding creative ways of sustaining dialogue within innovative campaigns, says integrated PR, SEO and Punch Communications.

Many brands understand that adding social media channels to their wider online marketing strategies can contribute to establishing a positive online presence, allow for meaningful interaction with brand loyalists, and generate new opportunities to connect with potential fans. However, as the social media platform advances and evolves, brands must find original ways to maintain engagement with fans.

When considering tactics and which Facebook features to employ, brands could, for example, look towards emerging technology trends like the sharp rise in mobile usage; mobile devices continue to contribute positively to Facebook brand engagement. According to its Q3 earnings report, the use of mobile devices to actively connect on Facebook has increased 26 per cent from 800 million to 1.01 billion global active users in September 2012.

Pete Goold, managing director of agency Punch Communications, commented: “When a study reports such rises in Facebook engagement levels, a brand could be forgiven for thinking that the maintenance of a dialogue with fans has become easier. However, this is just not the case and the figures indicate companies are working harder and raising the bar. Great examples of inventive use of Facebook features by brands include the recent Alzheimer-s Disease International-s -Donate Your Timeline- campaign, and the upcoming Wizard of Oz Facebook game, both of which actively invite engagement from fans with rewards in return for their interaction.

“In addition, the significant increase in mobile devices accessing the platform brings huge opportunities for brands to create original concepts that will engage audiences, such as links to downloadable smartphone apps. Nonetheless, being innovative with social outreach should not detract from best practice for the platform and interaction with fans through regular, relevant posts should be fundamental to any additional activities.”

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(i)Source: Adobe Q3 2012 Global Digital Advertising Update

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