Real-time charging for all subscribers – essential for earns

Real-time customer satisfaction
New technologies enabling greater speed and higher bandwidth, in combination with CSPs always offering the latest services, put a heavy load on billing systems. Today, many CSPs are still lacking the ability to provide real-time billing for all their subscribers. To avoid revenue loss and retain customers, service providers must change their billing systems and processes to real-time billing. In light of the fact that time to market and the quick launch of new services is demanded by customers, flexible and reliable real-time charging and billing solutions play the essential role. Orga Systems, inventor of real-time billing, delivers a wide range of solutions for convergent charging and billing- handling 65+ M subs on a single real-time platform already.

Avoid bill shock in real-time
As more and more services come along, the processes for mobile operators become more complex. The more billing systems are adjunct to legacy systems, the greater the chance of records and therefore revenues being lost. To assure revenues, the need for convergent billing systems, rating and charging multiple services on one single platform, becomes evident. What is more important than the level of convergence achieved is the ability to charge all service in real-time. Real time, enabling account information and advice of charge, is important to foster customers using services they may not have used before because of fearing a bill shock. Seeing that the average revenue per user continues to decrease, optimization of billing processes, leasing to convergent real-time billing systems, will be the necessary means to assure revenues.

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