Aero-Domains, Travel-Domains, Mobi-Domains, Biz-Domains and Coop-Domains with one or two letters

IATA has allocated to all airports three-letters-codes. SITA has pre-registered in former times all these three-letter-codes as aero-domains, unless the airports themselves have not registered these aero-domains.

SITA has recently released unclaimed 3 letter aero-domains for registration. These are now available to any member of the aviation community. 3 letter codes that have already been registered or which cannot be registered due to contractual obligations between SITA and ICANN will not be released as part of this process. Firmen aus der Luftfahrt können jetzt auch aero-domains mit drei Buchstaben registrieren.

What would the average website owner say, if someone could offer to him a com-domain with two letters? He would be delighted. A domain with two letters is a really memorable name.It is a pity, but nobody cannot offer this. The actual regulations of com-domains and the policies of almost all registries exclude domain names with two letters. The aero-domain is the great exception:SITA has convinced ICANN to permit aero-domains consisting of two letters at certain conditions.Airlines or aircraft operator can register a specific aero-domain, which will be still more important in the future, when SITA is developping technical features as e.g. RFID.They can register the 2-Letter-IATA-Code as aero-domain.

More information at

DotMobi will introduce mobi-domains with one or two letters. These short names are highly sought after by companies who to extend their brand with a brief, memorable web address. In a recent auction of numeric domains, names such as went for as much as $325,000. Numeric domains in particular are sought after because there is no translation needed among countries, making them extremely useful for global brand recognition.”

More information at or

Dotcoop will introduce coop-domains with one and two letters. Interested cooperatives must send a letter of application, called”Expression of Interest” (EOI).

The registry explains: “All submissions should be in English although supporting information may be provided in other languages. All awards will be final and the names will be made available to those registrants for registration at that time. If the name is not registered with 7 days of being awarded, then any other EOI for that domain will be reconsidered and a new recipient selected and notified. dotCoop reserves the right to impose an application fee not in excess of USD$500 if the number of EOI’s is unexpectedly large”.

And the registry continues:

“The evaluation of the Expressions of Interest will consider, at a minimum: – whether the domain would be actively used; an activation schedule should be included with the EOI; – previous use or identification with the name being requested including registered trademarks in use by the cooperative (although previous use is not required); – whether the eligible organization has particular standing within its regional, national or international cooperative organizations or sectors; – whether the proposed use will be specific to the registrant or in general support of a geographic or sectoral group of cooperatives with wider use and/access being encouraged without financial restrictions. However, such open access is not required.”

Please send your letter of applications to,

NeuStar’s idea is to offer a request for proposals with good plans to develop websites with one and two character domains. NeuStar would then have rights to auction the domains, presumably if more than one proposals was received. But it is also not excluded that these biz-domains with one or three characters are distributed by first-come-first-registered approach. The biz-domains with one and two characters will be more expensive than normal biz-domains.

More information at

We will see soon also travel-domains with one or two characters. Tralliance has submitted an application to ICANN allowing for the registration of one and two-character domain names. The registry of travel-domains intends to seek approval for the full range of registration possibilities, including: promotional use, by process of RFP submission, auction or first-come-first-served, or as Tralliance may determine to be in the best interests of the registry.

More information at:

Hans-Peter Oswald

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