New Market Research – Branch Visitors Abandon Banks — Find Out Why

ROCKVILLE, MD — (Marketwire) — 10/18/12 — has announced the addition of “The Branch is Back — Global Case Studies in 21st Century Banking Success,” to their collection of market reports.

The global retail banking industry is now in a period of innovative commitment to the branch that has arguably not been seen since the early 1990s. However, this silent revolution is dealing with a more broadly based agenda than just branch design; it is much more likely to succeed in creating more customer-orientated experiences and greater retail banking profitability. While attention is paid to identify an individual mutual bank, building society or credit union, there are occasions throughout the report when the term -bank- has been used in a generic retail financial services context. With detailed case studies from major banks of Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada, Turkey, Spain, the UK, the US, Russia, Iceland and India, this report reviews examples of the extensive work being undertaken by the world-s retail banks to ensure that branches remain effective and profitable components of the delivery channel mix.

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Cindy Frei

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