NComputing Proving First-to-Market HDX Ready SoC Thin Client Technology Is Accelerating Virtual Desktop Adoption

BARCELONA, SPAIN and REDWOOD CITY, CA — (Marketwire) — 10/15/12 —

, the world leader in end-to-end desktop virtualization solutions, today reported on how quickly European enterprises are now migrating to Citrix-based virtual desktop infrastructure as a result of the availability of its first-to-market HDX-Ready System-on-Chip (SoC) thin clients launched in May 2012. These customers are specifically taking advantage of the simplicity of deployment, ongoing manageability and breakthrough price/performance of NComputing-s N-series solutions that was previously unavailable in HDX-capable endpoint alternatives.

These rapid early deployments of N-series devices in Europe follow similar success in other international markets. This clearly demonstrates how the new breed of HDX Ready SoC solution is driving an increased rate of thin client adoption for Citrix HDX environments globally in many diverse verticals including healthcare, financial institutions, higher education, manufacturing and many others.

Since launching the in May 2012, NComputing has seen a wide array of customers that have now been able to start and complete their implementation of virtual desktop infrastructures and deliver a quality HDX user experience with the combined N-series and Citrix solution.

Among the European industrial enterprises selecting N-series technology is major Swiss building and constructions materials group , which is working with NComputing-s DACH regional partner Conapro GmbH to replace its PC infrastructure with N500 clients.

Other European industrial products and manufacturers are turning to NComputing N-series technology to migrate to virtual computing.

is a world-class UK manufacturer of packaging solutions for global brands. Working with NComputing partner Vitalise, this fast growing company is deploying a Citrix VDI- in-a-Box solution utilising NComputing N400 thin clients at its main polymer production and manufacturing site, which is 80 miles from the company-s main office.

Spanish shipbuilders also has implemented an N-series virtual computing solution working with NComputing-s Iberian partner Ozona. Fernando Vázquez, director de Sistemas, Factorías Vulcano, said, “NComputing-s N400 has the best quality/price ratio on the market. In addition, the ease of integration immediately into our existing systems with zero downtime has delivered immediate ROI. End user acceptance has been unanimous.”

The new N-series products are enabling NComputing European channel partners to aggressively target and open other new markets for virtual computing. For example NComputing-s Italian partner ITATIS reports on a major deployment in the professional services space.

In addition to new market sectors, NComputing is experiencing strong demand for the N-series across its traditional public sector and education markets, including new higher education clients.

NComputing is running real world N-series demonstrations and presentations at Stand 202 in the Citrix Solution Expo at (17th-19th October 2012).

“The incredible enthusiasm of our European channel and customers in embracing our new HDX solutions so quickly is testament to how we have reinvented the thin client to transform how enterprises approach virtual computing,” said Raj Dhingra, CEO, NComputing. “What-s particularly striking about the new deployments is how enterprises that previously resisted VDI are now migrating because the N-series gives the superior options on price and performance for task and knowledge workers that other alternatives simply lack.”

“Having an efficient way to replace our existing PC infrastructure was a top priority,” said Christian Schollenberger, CIO of KIBAG AG. “The NComputing clients offer great graphics performance for CAD and very low power consumption allowing us to reduce the energy cost by over 80 percent. The easy-to-use management and the lower acquisition costs means the N500 is making our move to XenDesktop both cost effective and successful.”

“We were looking for a solution to deliver a superior end user computing experience while simplifying management of IT at a remote site,” said Mark Beresford, IT Manager, Excelsior Technology. “The combination of high performance and affordability made the N-series a natural choice and we-re looking forward to how these devices optimise VDI in a Box for my team and the end users we support.”

“We-re finding that the N-series is helping us develop and extend the desktop virtualisation market significantly here in Italy,” said Giampiero Aldo Zanvettor, CEO — CISM, ITATIS. “Among the major implementations in progress is at a leading Italian international law firm where the N-series HDX-ready SoC technology meets the high performance needs of very demanding knowledge workers at a cost that overcame the financial obstacles for our client to migrate to VDI on a major scale.”

: European enterprises are migrating to @Citrix-based VDI based on @NComputing N Series technology

NComputing, Inc. is the fastest growing desktop virtualization company in the world with over 20 million daily users in 140 countries. The company-s award-winning, patented technology lowers desktop computing costs, improves manageability, and reduces both energy consumption and e-waste. It is the perfect solution for leveraging the power and potential of PCs and cloud computing. To learn more about NComputing, visit .

Media Contact:
Daniel Couzens / Diana Kurteva
onechocolate communications
T: +44 (0) 2074 370 227

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