Mine Tours available at The Silver Summit 10th Anniversary

WALLACE, IDAHO — (Marketwire) — 10/09/12 — continues to offer, to a select few, underground and surface tours of the working properties in the fabulous Silver Valley in the Coeur d-Alene Mining District.

Access to these tours is extremely limited, and may be obtained only by contacting The Silver Summit Director Shauna Hillman at +1 208 556 1621 or via email at . The tours will be conducted on Wednesday, October 24. Tour groups will depart the historic Davenport Hotel with snacks and lunch provided.

Companies offering tours include the New Bunker Hill Mining Co., New Jersey Mining Co., and Essential Metals Corporation. Due to shutdowns at the Sunshine Mine and the Lucky Friday, tours will not be made available at those properties this year, and US Silver & Gold cancelled their tours due to a calendar conflict. The Silver Summit-s organizers are confident the Sunshine, US Silver & Gold, and Lucky Friday will participate next year for The Silver Summit 2013.

Cost of the property visits is $135 per person. Absent expenses for lunch and transportation, proceeds will benefit the non-profit Women in Mining-s Education Foundation.

Silver Summit co-founder Shauna Hillman said: “These are not tourist visits. They are tours of every day working properties. Our mining industry related companies defer production and normal protocols to permit a few Silver Summit people to go underground, or to see first-hand, the conversion of unremarkable looking rock into gold and silver. This is an event not to be missed.”

Added Ms. Hillman: “Women in Mining-s foundation is a worthy cause to educate educators in the hows, whens, and needs of the hard-rock mining industry, and we are pleased to donate the proceeds from these mine tours to them.

Registration for The Silver Summit 2012 may be accomplished at the . Mine tours are handled on a first-come, first-serve basis by calling the U.S. office of the Silver Summit at +1 208 556 1621. The cut-off deadline for tour reservations is October 10.

The Silver Summit
Shauna Hillman

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