S4M system used by “ARD-Tagesschau”

S4M – Solution for Media´s Video Production Management System (VPMS) now also is used for production of the Tagesschau, Germany-s best known and most successful news program. VPMS is S4M´s solution for professional creation, management, editing and distribution of digital video material.

At the Tageschau VPMS is used – together with Quantel-s SQ System – as part of an overall solution and handles diverse tasks: The so called ingest process, that means the fully automated recording of video material that reaches broadcasters for example via satellite, is controlled by the VPMS module JobControl. This module also realizes the ARD video-file transfer connection. Another module, the VPMS PlayOut Control, is employed for controlling the tape play-out process for the archives – that is the possibility to copy stored digital video material from video servers to regular tapes.

A further advantage: The Quantel zone concept which is in use by the Tagesschau is supported by the VPMS system. VPMS synchronizes the video material and thus creates permanently available backups of the videos. So VPMS manages video material through both zones used at the Tagesschau. That way for example recording as well as deletion of video material is possible for the different zones with just one user interface.

The Tageschau is the most popular and longest running news program in German TV. It was broadcasted for the first time on Christmas 1952. Since September 3, 1961 the Tagesschau can be watched daily at 8 o-clock p.m. Meanwhile there are additional Tagesschau programmes broadcasted every hour and at some times even every 30 minutes over the whole day. In 2006, the 8 o-clock edition reached a daily average of 9.39 millions of viewers at ARD, 3 SAT, Phoenix and other German public stations. This is a market share of about 33 per cent and makes Tagesschau the market leader by far. The Tagesschau is produced by ARD-aktuell, a collaboration of the nine affiliated German public broadcasters. ARD-aktuell is based at NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk) in Hamburg.

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