Monetizing the value of CSPs network assets

How to earn money with mobile data services
Today, many operators are experiencing that the price they are selling mobile broadband for is approximately 50% below the price it is costing them to produce that volume of mobile data. The sophistication of Smartphones, the explosion of P2P, video and gaming applications running on these devices have created a serious dilemma for service providers trying to accommodate the exponential increases in the traffic on fixed and mobile networks. Analysts estimate that data is traversing the core networks of all service providers globally. As a result, more than 60% of mobile data revenue in 2012 will come from developed markets like Europe, 71% of subscriptions will use 3G handsets in 2012.

Real-time solutions as key enabler
Charging and rating must be real-time and relevant in the context of the customer. By fully integrating charging and rating within a policy management solution, service providers can monetize the value of their network assets. They can enhance revenue with in-session up-selling, customized bundling and tiered pricing packages – all this while enhancing the customer experience. The key to deal with increasing data traffic is a customer network service differentiation rather than flat rate pricing. Operators need to prioritize access to deal with data volume based on pricing rates. A real-time solution that can define and enforce policy rules to both network and service delivery platforms (SDPs) based on customer-defined service usage limits, service agreement definitions and network considerations is essential.

Advanced solutions for European telecoms market
At NGT Europe Summit Ramez Younan, CEO Orga Systems, will show why real-time rating, charging and policy management are the key to solving the challenge of increasing data traffic alongside with shrinking revenues. The Europe Summit will take place in Geneva from 20.04.2010 – 22.04.2010.

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